Friday, December 31, 2021

Review: Kiss and Tell by Maya Hughes

Kiss and Tell Kiss and Tell by Maya Hughes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

It was so nice revisiting this world again, even though it's worth the opposing team now. I really adored Leona and her quirkiness. She's a hoot to be around and you just never know what will happen. 

Reid is so intense about football, it's not even funny. I'm glad he finally met his match with Leona and they clicked right away. 

Their coach needs to be fired, asap. I really despise that man and hope he gets what he deserves. 

I'm really glad I got the chance to read this novel and I can wait to read about the others players stories soon! 

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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Review: Beautiful Rose by Vikki Jay

Beautiful Rose Beautiful Rose by Vikki Jay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions. This is my honest review. 

I absolutely loved this novel! When I initially read the synopsis, I was very intrigued and decided to give this debut author a chance, and I am so glad I did!! For some reason, Rose and Zanders connection felt so real and raw and honest. I am now emotionally invested in these two and I need more asap. 

Both of these characters are so amazing, but they have dark pasts. I definitely think that them both having issues in their parts helped them connect, but honestly, their connection right from the start was addictive and entrancing - and I mean for me as the reader! I couldn't get enough of them. 

This book does not end on a cliffhanger, but there will be another book to continue Rose and Zander's story, which I cannot wait for! I know I've found another new favorite author, and you can bet I'm gong to snatch up the paperback of this book when it becomes available in January! I definitely recommend this book to everyone! 

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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Review: The Protector by Alexis Winter

The Protector The Protector by Alexis Winter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

I really enjoyed this story. Blaire is a very serious person who likes nice things, but is viewed as someone who needs expensive things handed to her. And Jimmy is a bit judgemental and jumps to conclusions because of his tortured past, but slowly learns that not everything is as it seems. 

The tension between these two was intense and seeing them come to heads was very entertaining. I was glad when they started talking to each other and opening up about themselves. 

I'm glad I got the chance to read this novel. 

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Review: Instant Karma by Marissa Meyer

Instant Karma Instant Karma by Marissa Meyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review. 

I've had this book for some time and have just now gotten to read it. I've never had a book where I dislike the main character (Prudence) so much, but actually really enjoyed the novel and even completed the book. Usually if I hate the main character, I stop reading but for some reason I kept going with this one. 

Prudence is a terrible person, in my opinion. She is SO judgemental and thinks it's her way out the highway. She cannot fathom someone doing a job better than herself. She jumps to conclusions and will not be swayed to change her mind. Her getting the karma ability was a poor choice because she didn't look at the whole picture and instantly judges people - and it's usually wrong. 

Quint is so mature for his age, but has this personna he shows at school where he's a goof ball. I think that would be exhausting for him. 

I love the rescue center and everything it stands for. And I'm glad Pru volunteered there because it 1. Helped her figure out her passion and possible future career but 2. It made her not to judgemental and she started to be a nice person. 

So, yeah, overall I enjoyed this story, but I could have done without Prudence because I really really dislike. Still, even after finishing the book and she kinda redeemed herself. But not enough in my book. 

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Monday, December 20, 2021

Review: Awakened by Ciara Duggan

Awakened Awakened by Ciara Duggan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review. 

So, this book is okay. It wasn't hard to read, really fast paced. I honestly don't think I really connected with the characters, so it made the storyline a bit flat for me. Hannah and Callan were odd in their own way, and while we did get enough information about the past to understand the present, I just didn't have the connection with them to care all that much. 

I'm glad I got the chance to read this book. I'm glad it was a standalone, because I'm not sure I would pick up a sequel to it. But maybe if the author writes another book, I'll check it out!

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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Review: Every Single Lie by Rachel Vincent

Every Single Lie Every Single Lie by Rachel Vincent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Edelweiss. This is my honest review. 

I am a huge fan of Rachel Vincent, so I have no idea why it took me this long to read this novel. Especially because I really enjoyed it! This book is constantly full of twists and turns. The mystery of who are the parents of the baby went a bit wild, and many can blame Beckett for that because she was spitting out accusations left and right. For someone who was falsely accused of being the mother, you would think she would be a bit less judgmental toward others, but that was soo not the case. 

I also think Beckett needs to talk to someone about everything going on in her life, because she has had a lot to deal with lately. And, I'm sorry, but her mother is kinda terrible. I get that everyone deals and grieves a different way, but her mother has 3 children to take care of, and she drove herself into her job, completely avoiding her house and her kids. That whole family needs to see someone, to be honest. 

I think Beckett made the right call with her and Jake. It's always sketchy when someone is hiding texts and being evasive about it, so I would have done what she did. Jake could have told her, it wasn't THAT big of a secret, and by keeping it a secret, it ended the same way he thought it would of he made the choice to tell her, so what was the big deal? I dunno, Jake's reasoning didn't make sense to me. 

The parents. I actually didn't figure it out that quickly, but I DID figure it out before Beckett and Co. Did. And once I figured it out, I was stunned and sad and just wanted to give them a hug. All of these characters are going through A LOT and I couldn't imagine going thrift something like that. 

There were many times I got angry during this book. 
1. For the mothers friend acting the way she did during this whole event. 
2. At the mother for letting Beckett take the blame. 
3. At Becketts mother. I can't help it, I just think she could have done so much better. 
4. At the community of their little town. Those people are jerks.

Obviously, this book made me FEEL and I loved it for the emotional rollercoaster it took me on. Plus I couldn't put it down, I had to figure it out. I definitely recommend this novel! 

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Friday, December 17, 2021

Review: The Seven Kings of Jinn by S. Young (Samantha Young)

The Seven Kings of Jinn The Seven Kings of Jinn by Samantha Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author.  This is my honest review. 

I gotta admit, I don't know if I've read a book about jinn/genies.  If I have, it was only 1 or 2 and they are not standing out in my mind, so reading about this subject was a breath of fresh air!  I liked how we learned about this new world, these new beings, with Ari.  She definitely caught on fast when she realized she wasn't having a crazy dream, and she adapted to it very easily.  Just shows how powerful she's going to be soon. 

I am so on board for Team Jai.  I really hope things progress with those two soon in the next book, and Charlie can just go away.  I didn't like him from the beginning and after his poor choice, I still really don't like him.  But Jai - I loved him from the moment we got his viewpoint and it only grew from there. 

This storyline is really intriguing to me and I'm really excited to see what else is going to come soon!  I know The Seven Kings of Jinn was a re-release, so I could try to find the past novels and read them, but I'm going to wait for the new, updated novels in this series to enjoy all of the changes that have been made.  Can't wait for more!

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Monday, December 13, 2021

Review: The End of Us by Kennedy Fox

The End of Us The End of Us by Kennedy Fox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

This was a great book. I loved how Piper and Tristan were distant at first, but after being stuck in the same house for weeks, things took a spicier turn and they really got to know one another. 

I honestly like the non YouTube Piper. Seeing her turn on her people voice and personality also seemed fake to me, but I do get how one person acts differently in certain circumstances. I get exhausted doing it at my own job and have started to stop using my people voice, haha.

The whole stalker aspect is really creepy, but sadly so true with people in the spotlight, I bet. I'm glad Piper had Tristan they're too watch over her. 

I'm so glad I got the chance to read this novel! 

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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Review: Hope Between Us by A.M Kusi

Hope Between Us Hope Between Us by A.M. Kusi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Holy. Moly. This book is FANTASTIC! I've read every book in this series, and I thought nothing could top my love for Pippa, but I honestly think Brynn and Aaron did just that. 

Aaron is 100% amazing. I love how kind, patient, understanding, and calm he is, but he can also be protective, demanding and let his emotions run wild. I'm here for all of that, and it is such a great mixture of personalities I can't help but love him. 

Brynn has such a traumatic part. I seriously can't wrap my head around that life style and the abuse she had to endure. She is a fighter, willing to do whatever she needs to do to protect herself and her child. Honestly, watching her express her thoughts and opinions throughout this novel, she is a Phoenix being reborn from her ashes, and I couldn't be prouder of her. Brynn is regaining her independence, and I love that Aaron played a huge part in that process. 

I also love the normalcy that's shown for Danielle and the support she has in this novel from this amazing community. I've fallen in love with everything this series has given me, and the only reason I'm upset is I can't live here in real life.

These books pack so much emotion, so many real-life issues we have today, and make the reader fall in love with every message they portray through their words. Every time I finish a novel by these authors, I'm left with so many emotions and thoughts running through my head, it takes awhile to focus on anything else.

I recommend that everyone read this novel, this series. It will leave you breathless and in awe! :)

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Friday, December 10, 2021

Review: My Unexpected Surprise by Piper Rayne

My Unexpected Surprise My Unexpected Surprise by Piper Rayne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions. This is my honest review. 

Oh Fisher and Allie. Ever since we got their moment at the end of the previous novel, I've been waiting to see how this pans out. And boy did they fight their attraction until the end! I wanted to force them into a room and figure out what they want in life. 

I really feel for Fisher. His coping mechanisms from when his mother passed were not the best, and that definitely changed his philosophy on life. To see him slowly open up and take chances was really heartwarming. 

This series is amazing and I love these characters. I'm so glad I've been on this journey since the beginning, and I cannot wait for more of these crazy Greenes!

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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Review: Her Night Wolf by G. Bailey

Her Night Wolf Her Night Wolf by G. Bailey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author.  This is my honest review. 

I have adored this series from book 1, and this ending was perfect!  Honestly, at the end, I had goosebumps on my arms, holding my breath during all of the revelations and answers to previous questions.  I got so absorbed into this story and I'm a bit sad it's over now :(

There are a lot of twists and turns that happen in this novel, enough to STILL keep you guessing until the very end, which I enjoyed very much.  And for the next 3 books in the series, being about another character from this world?  You can be assured, I was SO EXCITED about that!!

I'm so glad I got the chance to read this novel, and this series, and I know I will be revisiting this story again in the future so I can binge read through all 5 books :)

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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Review: Only Ever Us by J.H. Croix

Only Ever Us Only Ever Us by J.H. Croix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions.  This is my honest review. 

I have been intrigued with Mae and Rowan since they first saw each other in the previous books and tensions were flying!  I'm so glad I didn't have to wait too long to figure out just WHAT happened between those two. 

I do have to admit, Mae was a bit harsh with her treatment to Rowan.  I just wanted to hug him and make everything better.  I get in that situation, thinking "rationally" doesn't always work out, and emotions are running high and memories are weird, but I wish she would have been able to explain to him a lot sooner, so they wouldn't have wasted so much time apart from one another. 

Rowan is a sweetheart and he is so protective and helpful and everything a girl wants in a guy.  He does do a bit TOO much at times, but he's still learning to let Mae fend for herself instead of him trying to shield her from everything.  

I really love this series and I really loved this story.  And I CANNOT wait for book 4, especially with that intriguing storyline!!  So glad I got the chance to read this novel :)

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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Review: Capturing Christmas by Jagger Cole

Capturing Christmas Capturing Christmas by Jagger Cole
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

I am so excited to jump back into the Bravta world that Jagger Cole created! Noelle and Russell are fantastic characters. Even though this is a short book, we get a good back story of their history and really dive into their lives and their thoughts and feelings.

I really loved how they reconnected, as unconventional as it may be, and how they decided not to waste any time with doubts or worries. 

I'm so glad I got to read this and I am already anxiously waiting the next novel by this author :)

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Review: Only For Forever by Alexis Winter

Only For Forever Only For Forever by Alexis Winter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

It was nice to revisit this series and get Grant and Leigh's story. Though I have to admit, Grant was a bit extra than I originally thought. He's pretty much a jerk at the beginning of the story, something I wouldn't have expected, and then he had a dominant side, which I'm not complaining about. Just feel like it came out of nowhere. But he did say he had to curb those cravings in the past. 

The relationship between these two felt off to me. Half the time when Grant made certain decisions, I had personal issues with it. He demanded things, and knowing Leigh's stubborn, strong demeanor, it didn't seem like she should have just accepted it. 

I am glad they finally decided to start taking too each other instead of giving shorts quips at each other. That definitely helped them grow closer. 

I'm glad I got the chance to read this novel and I'm really hoping  Stephanie's story is next! 

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Saturday, December 4, 2021

Review: Love Stories: A Novella Collection by Samantha Young

Love Stories: A Novella Collection Love Stories: A Novella Collection by Samantha Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Here are my individual reviews of the 4 novels in this collection:

Reid and Evan are fantastic. I don't usually like siblings-best-friend novels because of all of the secrets they keep, but because this was a novella, there wasn't enough time to keep secrets for that long! Win! 

I also enjoyed the age gap factor, though I really don't think age should matter if you want to be with someone. 

The amount of tension in the air began Joe and Ryan flies off the pages in this steamy novella! I'm glad Ryan's hangups aren't about the fact that Joe is older than her, but that she will end up alone if things don't work out. I'm also glad that Ryan can finally stop worrying about life and finally live her life to the fullest. 

This was a nice, short story, but oh, Micah and Valentine. So many chances to tell each other how you feel, so many times you both screwed it up. This is 11 years of missing their chance, so it is upsetting at times, and cringe worthy, but you are still rooting for these two through it all.

I adored Ember and Georgie and Foster!  The tension between Ember and Foster was off the charts, and seeing them come to blows was wonderful.  I love how Ember connected with Georgie so quickly and to see them bond together was sweet. 

I also liked that Ember is older than Foster, since I'm older than my significant other.  Not by as many years, but it was still something I could relate to. 

The only issue I have with this is that I want to see happily ever afters for all of the Bonet sisters! I'm sure that isn't going to happen since this was just a short newsletter special, but one can hope, right?

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Review: Beautiful Collision by A.M. Kusi

Beautiful Collision: A Shattered Cove Novel Beautiful Collision: A Shattered Cove Novel by A.M. Kusi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Turner and Maddy. The have a past full of anger and regrets, and when they met again, years later, those emotions run high. But both have changed in such drastic ways, they are like different people. 

Maddy's story breaks my heart. She had gone though so much in her life and she just can't seem to catch a break. I love her adoration to Josh and that she knows how to give unconditional love to someone, even though she didn't grow up with any. 

I was a bit frustrated with Turner throughout this novel. I get that he wants to be protective and he thinks he's doing the right thing, but keeping secrets does not work if you are trying to have a relationship. Communication, trust, honesty. Those things are needed 100% of the time, or else people get hurt. 

I'm so glad I got to visit this world again. I love this series, the characters, and the setting of Shattered Cove. I'm excited for the next one, but sad it will be done then. I'm really glad I got the chance to read this story! 

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Friday, December 3, 2021

Review: Avery by Kat Savage

Avery Avery by Kat Savage
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions.  This is my honest review. 

I have adored this series since book 1, and this book did not disappoint!  I love Avery.  I love how funny and laid back he is.  He doesn't let anything get him down - well not usually anyway, and he does care what others think of him.  I want to be like that, but I have my moments of doubt once and awhile. 

And Helena.  I love how tough she is, how determined and how confident she is.  She has a very difficult life of always putting her own needs aside for what she needs to do - she sacrifices a lot.  I loved seeing her be  her true self with Avery and opening up the way she did. 

I was a bit surprised at Avery's moment, to be honest.  I don't know if I really thought Helena would have been the one, because, again, she's pretty amazing and tough, but it definitely reminds everyone that we are all human and we all have things that are hard to mentally process. 

I am so glad I got the chance to read this novel and I am looking forward to more in this series and more by this author!

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Thursday, December 2, 2021

Review: The Rules of Heartbreak by Brittany Taylor

The Rules of Heartbreak The Rules of Heartbreak by Brittany Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions. This is my honest review. 

I've never read anything by this author, but when I read the synopsis, I was instantly intrigued and wanted to read this story. And I'm so glad I did because I really enjoyed this book! 

This book ended up being a lot deeper than I thought it was going to be. Sloan had been through some terrible moments recently, but in the end, with everything she discovered, I would be an emotional wreck. That is a lot for one person to learn at one time and it works definitely make me question a lot. 

Dallas has also been through the wringer lately and it explains his surly life style. Though he had somewhat given up on life, while Sloan is trying to start a new life. Both have their own coping mechanisms, but when both are in each other's lives, causes a lot of conflict. 

I realky enjoyed this novel and I'm looking forward to more by this author! I'll have to look into her previous novels too! 

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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Review: Stranded AF by Tammy Falkner

Stranded AF Stranded AF by Tammy Falkner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

I dived into this book with no knowledge of what it was about, nor what the title was until I opened my ebook, and I knew I was going to love it because I have adored every book that Tammy Falkner has wrote. That's how much confidence I have in her storytelling, btw!

This book... it made me feel everything - every emotion! I was milliseconds away from balling my eyes out at the beginning, I laughed at inappropriate times, I swooned, I felt so much pride towards these characters. You name it? I felt it. 

This book is a powerful book with a deep message - or at least I thought so. I stepped back and tried to picture myself in these 4 characters shoes, and I'm not going to lie, I don't know if I could have handled it. I'd like to think I could, but I honestly don't know, and won't know unless I'm put in that situation. 

To be stranded on an island, with no food, no water, no way to communicate for help... to be responsible for 2 kids and dogs. That is so much pressure and, honestly, I would have had a panic attack. And instead, Scotty and Frankie kept their composite, REALLY well I might add, and found solutions. If I ever get stranded, I want them there with me! 

Livvie and Tanner were fantastic. You take an electronic device from a kid nowadays and you may be risking a limb or two. Sure, they had their moments, they are kids, but they grew so much and were so mature for their age! 

All 4 of these characters stole a piece of my heart, but I have to say, Frankie was it for me. The amount of love she had for animals, for her two pups, really connected with me and I have to love her for that, without a doubt. 

I know that this book will stick with me for a long time, because it was such a loud message on what is important in the world. My crazy obsession for collecting books lately, while it makes me happy, is not as important as living life to the fullest. Experiencing new things, exploring mysteries. And being with the ones you love the most. And reading about these four and the crazy journey they were on, really puts that into perspective. So I am extremely glad I read this book and, as always, I'm already anticipating the next masterpiece from Falkner, where I will walk blindly into her novel because I know I will love it 100%!! 

Definitely pick up this book when it gets released! 

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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Review: Death Kissed by Elena Lawson

Death Kissed Death Kissed by Elena Lawson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Harper is one tough chick. Anything that can happen, will, with this girl, but she doesn't go down without a fight. I honestly could have just had her and the main storyline, and World have enjoyed this book. I didn't need all of her guys involved - I actually kinda grew bored with them, too be honest. 

I love the twists and turns and the answers to all of the mysteries that were finally revealed. The imagry and characters Lawson created were fantastic and really sucked me into this story. 

I'm really glad I got the chance to read this series, and that I waited to binge read them, and I look forward to more by this author! 

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Review: Shadow Tainted by Elena Lawson

Shadow Tainted Shadow Tainted by Elena Lawson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

I am so glad that some mysteries were revealed in this book! Harper is finally on her way to uncovering the secrets surrounding her life, really, and I'm definitely here to enjoy that ride. 

The ending dumped a lot of information at the reader, which is why I'm super happy that I have the next, and last, book on deck to dive right in. 

I'm still really on Team Draven and not so much for Elias, but that's alright. I feel bad for Cal and Adrian and hope things progress between them soon. 

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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Review: Blood Pledged by Elena Lawson

Blood Pledged Blood Pledged by Elena Lawson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So much mystery and secrets in this novel.  I love seeing Harper get more and more confident in herself - about everything.  I also love Draven - I'm very intrigued by him and really hope things progress, though I'm not sure at this point.  Guess I'll just have to keep reading to find out!  Elias is probably my least favorite of the bunch, just because everything has to be hush, hush and she's always keeping him a secret.  Cal and Adrian, on the other hand, I'm digging!

The storyline around Bianca was crazy - though I did guess who the culprit could be.  Not because that character was mentioned often, but they just stood out to me when we did see some interaction with them. 

I'm really, really gutted by this ending!!  I loved that character, and I'm so sad to see him gone!!

On to the next one to see what other adventures are about to happen!

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Friday, November 26, 2021

Review: Magic Untamed by Elena Lawson

Magic Untamed Magic Untamed by Elena Lawson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So much adventure and drama happened in this book! Harper is getting stronger and more powerful the further we get into her story. I love being able to get other point of view like Cal, Elias, and Adrian. It's not a ton, but enough to get inside their thoughts and see what they are thinking and getting. 

I can't wait for the next book, now that secrets are out in the open. I think Harper is going to really thrive and hopefully finally get some of the answers to the questions she's been sitting on. 

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Review: Soul Bound by Elena Lawson

Soul Bound Soul Bound by Elena Lawson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Harper is one tough chick. She has gone through a lot of change and unknowns her whole life, so when she gets sent to school to learn and hone her magic, she's just waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

I enjoyed the interactions she had with Elias, Cal, and Adrian. I'm very curious to see how things progress with her and these three guys. 

I'm also very curious to know her background, because after everyone's reaction at the end of this book, you know it has to be something big. 

I'm glad I finally got around to reading this and I look forward to seeing what else is going to happen for Harper.

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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Review: Rebel Without A Claus by Emma Hart

Rebel Without A Claus Rebel Without A Claus by Emma Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

I finally found a Christmas story that I loved! And it's all because Quinn and I are soul sisters because I am totally a Grinch, a Scrooge, whatever you want to label me during Christmas time. I don't find one thing I enjoy during this holiday, so to be able to understand EVERYTHING Quinn described was kismet.

And I'm also a bit sappy for a few moments, like Quinn, and that's a-okay haha.

Nicholas is fun and sweet and has a lot of secrets. I love that he was trying so hard to keep his word worth Quinn and just being friends, but I loved how he was always there for her, even when she was a Grinch. 

So, yes, I loved this book and I absolutely loved Quinn. I think this might actually be the first Christmas book I may reread in the future! 

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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Review: A Very Grumpy Christmas by Jerica MacMillan

A Very Grumpy Christmas A Very Grumpy Christmas by Jerica MacMillan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Every once in awhile, I decide to read a Christmas story. I'm not against Christmas, but I am against the cold weather so I typically stay away from Christmas stories. 

But I really enjoyed this storyline. I love how dedicated Shane was with Sophie. I didn't necessarily like how finicky he was with Sarah's feelings, though. 

Sarah is a ball of sunshine. I love feeling the pure happiness she gets about Christmas and she has such a kind soul. She goes out of her way to make someones day and I wish I had a smidgen of that type of attitude in life! 

I'm so glad I got the chance to read this novel! 

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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Review: Wanting You Close by Kennedy Fox

Wanting You Close Wanting You Close by Kennedy Fox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

It was so nice to get the sequel to this series so quickly after book 1 was released to see how everything worked out from that jaw dropping ending. Archer and Everleigh are fantastic characters and I loved their story. There is a lot of mystery, a lot of twists and turns, and a lot of drama that happens. It keeps the reader on the edge of their seat! 

This was a great story line and I'm glad I got the chance to read this series!

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Saturday, November 13, 2021

Review: This Demon Hell by G. Bailey

This Demon Hell This Demon Hell by G. Bailey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author.  This is my honest review. 

What a great ending!  I have loved this series from the beginning, and I loved it until the epilogue of this book.  Lilith is a fantastic character, full of bravery and dedication to achieve everything she wants.  She is determined to not fail, and is always looking out for the ones that she loves.  

The battle scene was great and I loved how it all ended. 

There were many twists and turns that came out of nowhere, but definitely kept me on the edge of my  seat, not knowing what was going to happen next. 

I'm so glad I got the chance to read this novel, and this series, and I can't wait for more by these authors!

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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Review: Wicked Trials by Elena Lawson

Wicked Trials: A Dark Gang Romance Wicked Trials: A Dark Gang Romance by Elena Lawson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

I am loving this storyline! Ava Jade is fantastic and I love her so much. She is so street smart and intense and brave. She goes after what she wants, she's always figuring out problems on the spot, and I love her for that and so much more. I don't even need the guys in this story, even though I do love them, but I need Ava Jade.

Corvis, Rook and Grey are great. They are going through a lot of emotional turmoil with Ava Jade in the picture, which is so amusing to watch. 

I absolutely need book 3 asap because this story sucks me in and I need to know what happens after the ending we get. I am so glad I was able to read this story and I can't wait for more! 

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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Review: Brutal King by Jagger Cole

Brutal King Brutal King by Jagger Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

I devoured this in one sitting and now I'm sad I finished it so fast. I absolutely love this book, and this series, so much more than I could have imagined. Lukas had always been quiet, intense, mysterious, and finally getting my hands on his story was fantastic! It was also heartbreaking and emotional and intense. 

Lizbet... I love her. She has gone through a lot in her short life but she's determined to make everything right. She is brave and ambitious and so smart. I can't imagine a more perfect person to go head to head with Lukas!

I cannot gush enough about this series. Jagger Cole knocked it out of the park and I already own the books in multiple formats. It's also going to be one I'll reread in the future as well! I definitely recommend other readers to pick this up today! 

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Saturday, November 6, 2021

Review: Tinsel by Devney Perry

Tinsel Tinsel by Devney Perry
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I read this because I'll be getting a special edition this winter and wanted to see if I liked this story. And it was an okay novel. I've never read this author before and I know this is book 4 in a series, but each book is about a different character, so I didn't really feel lost or confused while reading. 

I just had a hard time connecting to the characters. Sofia is about the furthest thing fun me I could find. I'm always working, wearing multiple hats, and could never imagine my hobby world be spending so much money, money I've never seen in my life. So trying to connect with her was very hard. I will say she was definitely trying to change her lifestyle, and I do commend her on that for sure. 

Dakota I liked but he was acting like a jerk to Sofia because he didn't want to be attracted to her. I mean...grow up lol. And also letting stereotypes and tradition dictate good life choices... that also is something I don't allow in my life. Peer pressure is a terrible thing and I despise it immensely. 

So overall this was an okay novel, but not one I'll be dying to reread or to own in my physical library. 

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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Review: Love Rekindled by Michelle Lynn

Love Rekindled Love Rekindled by Michelle Lynn
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review. 

This was a good story. I definitely like Taylor more than Brad. Maybe because she had to grow up faster and think about more than herself? Brad just seems like a spoiled kid most of the time, so I wasn't too impressed with most of his actions throughout this book. Especially the part where he throws out full custody because he wasn't getting what he wanted. 

I'm glad I finally got around to reading this book! 

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Monday, November 1, 2021

Review: Protecting the Heiress by Nana Malone

Protecting the Heiress Protecting the Heiress by Nana Malone
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I read this because I'll be getting a special edition this winter and wanted to see if I liked this story. For the most part I enjoyed it, but I found myself getting easily distracted when I normally wouldn't be. I didn't really enjoy the other viewpoints besides Neely and Jax. It made me feel like I was missing another story that I should have read before. 

I adore Neely for stepping into motherhood, having no idea what she is doing. She's such a great person and so determined. And Jax is the complete package. I love how at ease he is as a family man, yet he's such a protector too. 

I'm glad I took the chance to read this story! 

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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Review: A Very Bossy Christmas by Alexis Winter

A Very Bossy Christmas A Very Bossy Christmas by Alexis Winter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

This was a cute novel. The tension between the characters was obvious from the beginning. Fake relationship tropes are always so frustrating because they always fall for each other, but convince themselves the other one is still just faking, so there's that. But the moments where Damon and Kate were falling for each other were great. 

I'm glad I got the chance to read this story! 

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Review: Empire of Desire by Rina Kent

Empire of Desire Empire of Desire by Rina Kent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions. This is my honest review. 

This book! I devoured it so fast because I was so engrossed in the story and for caught up with the characters feelings and emotions. 

Gwen is a different character. She is young, but not crazy young. There are just moments where she talks about being an adult, but acts really childish. She does things without thinking of the results. She's very determined to get past blockades, but sometimes she can't control everything happening to her. I'm honestly not sure how I feel about her, too be quite honest. 

Nate is broody and solemn and grumpy most of the time. He runs hot and cold, says one things thing, does another thing. So there's a lot of whiplash throughout this book. But when he decides to cave in to temptation, I mean, the spice that happens? Oh boy.

While I don't mind age gap romances, I do mind best friends relative romances. It's the secrets and lies that I can't handle very well. We don't have to deal with that aspect as much, though, for most of the book, so that was a relief.

I'm glad I got the chance to read this book and continue the family story after Sebastian's novels. I'm very intrigued to read Knox's next! 

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Friday, October 29, 2021

Review: Her Salvation by G. Bailey

Her Salvation Her Salvation by G. Bailey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Mai is seriously growing into a really mature and strong person the more that is revealed with each book. We get a few more answers to questions we've had since the beginning and you can feel the tension in the air ready for the big battle that is coming up.

We get 1 more book of Mai's story, and then 3 books from another character, and I cannot wait for all of them to be released. There are still a lot of questions that need to be answered and I'm looking forward to that coming soon! 

I still love all of the men in Mai's life and how each one has a key role in Mai's life. Can't wait for more! 

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Review: My Sister's Flirty Friend by Piper Rayne

My Sister's Flirty Friend My Sister's Flirty Friend by Piper Rayne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions.   This is my honest review. 

Jed!  I've been wanting Jed's story from the beginning, and he did not disappoint.  Of course I was expecting drama to ensure, because it's Jed and he's had a hard time accepting what his dad did all those years ago.  And I'm so glad it was with Molly, because she takes no crap from anyone, so seeing her and Jed try to figure things out was dramatic, emotional, and swoon-worthy :)

I love Emilia and her part in this story.  She may be quiet, but she has a lot of personality inside of her!

Of course, this is a siblings-best-friend romance, one that I struggle with sometimes, and yes, there were moments of keeping everything a secret, which built up more drama.  But Piper Rayne did it in a way that wasn't too annoying for me, so I didn't struggle as much as I normal do, so I was pleased about that!

I'm so glad I got to continue this series - I'm really loving the Greene Family adventures and I hope I get to continue on with the rest of the siblings, because I know more great stories are to come!

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Sunday, October 24, 2021

Review: Storybound by Emily McKay

Storybound Storybound by Emily McKay
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from Edelweiss. This is my honest review. 

Gah, I really wanted to like this. What book lover wouldn't want to love a book with this synopsis? But instead, by Chapter 7, 15% in, I've called it quits. I can't keep track of everything. Between the chapter exerpts of Kane's story (who I still haven't met yet) and Edie's random thought bursts, along with her fear of going crazy, and her father's mental break down, I'm seriously one lost puppy right now. 

And not to mention that I read this ends on a cliffhanger, I can't handle this emotional rollercoaster anymore, sadly. I'm glad I got the chance to read this book, but it's just not for me. 

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Review: Dance of a Burning by E.J. Mellow Sea

Dance of a Burning Sea Dance of a Burning Sea by E.J. Mellow
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and NetGalley. This is my honest review.

So, I couldn't get into this story. I don't know if it's because I didn't read this first book? Or if it was something else? I couldn't connect with the characters very well and found myself skimming paragraphs without meaning to. I'm sure, after seeing other reviewers living out on goodreads, that this is a me problem because I'm sure other readers will love this book. It just wasn't for me, I guess. I'm glad I got the chance to try and read it though!

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Review: Master of Iron by Tricia Levenseller

Master of Iron Master of Iron by Tricia Levenseller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Edelweiss. This is my honest review. 

I flew through this book! Book 1 took me a long time to finish, but boy, I finished this practically in one sitting, it was so good! There is a lot more action involved, which maybe helped my eyes zoom past the words to keep up. And Ziva and Kellyn's relationship was more intense (though I still thought it was intense in book 1, just different).

I love the new characters we met in this book and really wish we could have had more scenes with the other magically gifted characters. 

And the amount of character development Ziva went through was insane. I would have been okay with her staying the socially awkward, panic attack induced character she was when we first met her because that is the most unique thing I've read in a YA fantasy novel. And, don't get me wrong, she still has her moments, but she's grown so much during her journey and I'm super proud of the way she's learning to overcome her fears and how she is helping herself get better. 

This series is not what I was expecting, but everything I need now! I'm so glad I got the chance to read this novel and series. I've been a die hard Tricia Levenseller fan from the beginning and I'm going to continue to be one by now patiently waiting for her next masterpiece :)

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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Review: Blade of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller

Blade of Secrets Blade of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Edelweiss. This is my honest review. 

I adore Ziva. To me she is one of the realest characters I've read about. Her experiences with social anxiety and panic attacks make her so relatable to normal, real people. I don't go through either of these things, but boy, Tricia Levenseller made everything Ziva was feeling feel like it was happening to me. 

Temra is so sweet and fiesty. Even though she is the younger sibling, the way she takes care of Ziva warms my heart. Their relationship is really strong for the most part, though there are moments of normal sisterly acts of arguments. 

Kellyn, while a mysterious and quiet character, really stuck out to me. I think it's because he doesn't know this band of people he's leading around, but he is so gentle and understanding with Ziva. He's left out of a lot of most things for most of the book, but he knows exactly what to do to keep Ziva calm and not push her into an uncomfortable situation. Seeing him be so honest with his feelings toward Ziva and slowly showing her were intense scenes, but in no wo way spicy like other books I've read. 

I think this book was a bit slow, a lot of travel which made it feel like nothing really happened, but in fact, there was quite a bit that occurred. 

I'm so glad I got the chance to read this book and I'm now about to dive into book 2 to see what happens after that brutal ending! 

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Review: Hold Me Now by J.H. Croix

Hold Me Now Hold Me Now by J.H. Croix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions.  This is my honest review. 

Oh, Russell and Paisley.  Since we met them in the first book, I was anticipating a steamy and tense storyline with these two, and this book did not disappoint!  I love how much they both fought their attraction, and denied til they were blue in the face about their disdain toward one another for most of the novel.  And when they finally couldn't handle the tension anymore, sparks ignited between these two!

I think Paisley is extremely smart in a lot of decisions when it comes to her arrangement with Russell, and I appreciate that 100%.  She wasn't sugar coating it or trying to pretend the issues weren't there, but dealt with it - mind you in a sneaky type of way, but she was thinking ahead and I love to see that in a character. 

I love that Russell cooks and I love his intensity.  I think he could have opened up a little more with Paisley and not kept everything in, but that's somewhat typical for a male lead character, so it didn't annoy me too much. 

I also enjoyed the cross overs from other series by J.H. Croix - now that I've read quite a few of her novels (still have a bunch to catch up on though!). 

This was a great novel and I can't wait for the next one!

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Monday, October 18, 2021

Review: Love Language by Emma Hart

Love Language Love Language by Emma Hart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author.  This is my honest review. 

Emma Hart is an automatic author I read and I seriously adored this novel!  Because it's written in British English (and I am American), I was worried I wouldn't catch a lot of things - but that's not the case!  In fact, in my head I was hearing it like Downton Abbey characters talking, only for Gabriella to mention Downton Abbey a few times, so that was fun :)

Gabriella is the sweetest person you will meet.  I love how nice and friendly she is - always willing to help people when they need it without a second thought.  So for Miles to be grumpy toward her, she was mystified and stunned, to say the least. 

I'm glad we were able to get a few scenes from Miles point of view, because he sure hides his thoughts and feelings from Gabi really well!

This is a slow burn and what I would say a clean(ish) novel, but the moments where there was any physical interaction blew me away.  I really enjoyed that this wasn't just about the physical moments but more about what they were feeling and how they opened up to each other (eventually).  

Also?  I gotta say, I love how Emma Hart is always bringing random animals into her stories and really making a mess with them!  It's wonderful entertainment and really makes me laugh out loud when reading it haha. 

I'm so glad I read this novel and I cannot wait for more in this series to be released!

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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Review: Forcing You Away by Kennedy Fox

Forcing You Away Forcing You Away by Kennedy Fox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Oh, Archer and Everleigh. I already knew Everleigh was going to be a handful from the previous novels, but I didn't expect to fall in love with Archer so quickly! 

This is a very very very slow burn. The tension between these two is crazy and I was very impatiently waiting for them to cave into their urges. I also think Tyler was out of line and he had his own life to handle. 

That ending was brutal and I'm extremely bummed I don't have the next book right now. I fear the wrong person is going to get blamed in some way and I'm terrified on what that will mean. So, yeah, I need the next book ASAP lol.

I'm glad I got the chance to read this story! 

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Friday, October 15, 2021

Review: Broken Playboy by Laura Lee

Broken Playboy Broken Playboy by Laura Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions. This is my honest review. 

I am so glad we got Bentley's story! It really is amazing how people can think one thing of a person and how great their life is because of the way they act, only to really get inside their head and realize everything was just a front and things are not actually fine and dandy. That's Bentley. I really just wanted to hug him and make everything better, because this poor man was suffering and wasn't getting the help he needed. 

I also really liked Sydney. She is a little spitfire who can look after herself really well. But at the same time, there were moments where she did need help, so she too was also struggling mentally at times. 

I'm glad I was able to finish this series and it was nice to see how everyone's HEA ended. Though since another side character is getting her own story, maybe we will see these characters again :)

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Review: Quinn by Hattie Jude

Quinn Quinn by Hattie Jude
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Oh, am I so glad I got this novel! Bentley and Quinn's story snared me in book 1, so diving into book 2 was really exciting. I'm so glad Quinn didn't forgive Bentley right away cause he really messed up in book 1. Then again, I'm so glad that Bentley didn't give up on proving to Quinn that he made a mistake. Seeing him show her a different side to him really got to my heart and made me want Quinn to forgive him faster, but my girl held strong. 

I really loved this storyline and it was paced just right to make me read this novel in one sitting. I couldn't get enough and I definitely won't forget this story anytime soon! 

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Review: Hallowed Night: A Halloween Romance Anthology by R. Holmes (Becca Steele)

Hallowed Night: A Halloween Romance Anthology Hallowed Night: A Halloween Romance Anthology by R. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Okay, I gotta be honest, I only read 1 book in this anthology, and that was it. So my reading is just for the 1 book, haha. And thanks to a lovely reviewer on Goodreads (Indra VL), I'm glad I read her short synopsis's because many end on a cliffhanger and I don't have time for that haha. 

The book I did read is Mayhem by Becca Steele and I adored it! She writes great dark romances and Elijah and Hailey's story did not disappoint. I mean, I wasn't sure if I should be rooting them for a HEA or not for most of this story, so that right there tells you how great she wrote this dark story. 

I also loved seeing the female character for Zayde's story and now I'm super excited (though I already was tbh) for that novel! And since Hailey is friends with Fallon, I'm hoping we will see more of her and Elijah, cause I'm somewhat in love with these two and sad they only got a novella :)

I definitely recommend reading Becca Steele's series - I love all of them so far! 

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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Review: Only One Regret by Natasha Madison

Only One Regret Only One Regret by Natasha Madison
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions. This is my honest review. 

Since this is only my 2nd Natasha Madison novel, I discovered that I missed some important novels about Cooper's family and their own love stories. Honestly, though, even though I haven't had everyone else's story, I didn't feel lost or left out on anything. I was maybe a bit overwhelmed with all of the secondary characters, but nothing I couldn't handle. 

Best-friends-to- lovers stories are a bit of a hit or miss with me. Thankfully this book was a hit and that has all to do with Cooper. He would not allow Erika to run away when things got tough or weird, but instead made sure she knew she was wanted. And I love seeing Cooper with his daughters. 

For that matter, I love that Erika took such care with Cooper's daughters, like they were her own. 

I'm really glad I decided to read this book and I'm going to be keeping my eyes out for more Natasha Madison novels now!

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Review: House of Shadows by K. A. Linde

House of Shadows House of Shadows by K.A. Linde
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions.  This is my honest review. 

This world.  Even though it's been AWHILE since I read book 1, I wasn't lost at all when I dived into this storyline.  The author did a great job bringing me back into the plot and remembering all of the characters again, like it was just yesterday that I read the first book. 

Kerrigan is fantastic.  She is so resilient and she is determined to make it through everything she sets her mind on.  And this girl has a lot of crap thrown her way, but she always makes it seem to effortless to pass every obstacle, when in fact it's not that easy.  And she has a lot going on.  I was so mad when the plot with Marsh was revealed and it made me want really bad things to happen to him.  I still want that to happen, so hopefully in the future books, it will come true. 

Ford is so frustrating.  I get that he has a curse, or whatnot, but boy the tension between him and Kerrigan is through the roof and I don't know how much longer I can handle it - as the reader!  Imagine how they are feeling, haha. 

I'm very glad that Kerrigan finally talked to her father and got the full story on what really happened.  I know it will be a long time in the making, but it is the first step to move forward from that traumatic event in her past.  And I really hope that Kerrigan can get the help and training she needs with her magic. 

I'm not surprised at the big reveal at the end of this book, but I can say I definitely wasn't expecting that person to be the culprit.  I didn't really have a certain person in mind, but I was not ready for it.  I think the next book is going to be just as fantastic as the first two, and I cannot wait for more questions to get a year!  I would definitely recommend this series to other readers!

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Monday, October 11, 2021

Review: Change on the Fly by Maren Moore

Change on the Fly Change on the Fly by Maren Moore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

I am stunned at how much I love this book! Best-friends-sibling romances are not normally something I enjoy because the characters are always worried about everyone finding out about their relationship and keep to many secrets. That did happen in this book, but it wasn't the entire focus of the storyline and wasn't a broken record, so I was able to handle this trope in this book. 

I love how Reed stepped up for Evan. Seeing them together was sweet and amazing and I loved every minute of it. I also loved how Reed wasn't afraid to ask for help during this transition in his life, admitting that everyone needs help and he wasn't too proud to ask for it. 

Holland is my soul sister - being a fellow librarian myself. But she's also a great human, taking care of her father and being a great friend to Emery.

I 100% would recommend this book to everyone because it's a fantastic story! I'm so glad I got the chance to read this! 

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