Saturday, September 28, 2024

Review: The Cursed by Harper L. Woods

The Cursed The Cursed by Harper L. Woods
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Willow and Grey's adventure picks right back up in this second novel after all those answers were quickly answered. I love how much Willow tries so hard to resist her feelings towards Grey. She knows she's in too deep to change her feelings for him, but she's determined to save the people around her even if it means her life will change completely. 

And Grey. I do actually love this man even though I know I'm not supposed to. He's been waiting for fifty years for Willow to come, and even though he messed everything up by the way he rushed things, he's determined to find a way for Willow to accept her life with him. I think even if he would have waited, Willow never would have wanted to do what he made her do, but that's besides the point. 

The intensity between these two is enough for me to love this book, but then seeing Willow become stronger and more powerful and more in tune with herself is also amazing. 

I'm very curious to see if there is another book? Will it be a continuation or other characters view points? I thought this was a duet but wouldn't be mad if there are more. Very glad I decided to dive into this series! 

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Review: Of Vows and Betrayal br R.G. Angel

Of Vows and Betrayal Of Vows and Betrayal by R.G. Angel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Diving into another RG Angel novel with Javier and Ophelia was fantastic! I loved the suspense and angsty slow burn between these two. 

Ophelia is such an amazing person. She is always going out of her way to help the people she grew up with, rather than let the wealth and fear of her name take over her life and change her personality. She is a true, kind spirit and seriously doesn't have an unkind bone in her body. 

Javier is so full of anger and revenge that he is shocked and surprised that Ophelia is a kind and gentle soul. And of course he would be taken with her - everyone in her life loves her without even trying. 

I love how real and true this book is. When the characters fight, they don't just make up in a few days. It's truly a grovel and a work in progress and I love that trueness to real life. I'm very intrigued to know if any side characters will be getting their own book and will have to wait and see if it will happen...I would love to see how the other men fall. 

So glad I got the chance to read this! 

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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Review: The Coven by Harper L. Woods

The Coven The Coven by Harper L. Woods
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book! Gah I got sucked into it and read it in one day and now I need book 2 ASAP!

Grey and Willow have a chemistry that just won't stop. I love how fierce and strong and fiesty Willow is. She knows what she has to do and while she's not happy, she wants to get it done so she can be with her brother, Ash.

Sing Willow have such passion for life and creation and nature is amazing. She was taught so well by her mother to respect her magic and have balance. But it's such a strange thing having life and death inside her. 

Grey is such a mystery. I seriously didn't see the end coming and even though it was rushed, I think we were supposed to be just as confused as Willow was when things were being revealed really really fast. 

But honestly that ending still has me in a tailspin! I loved it and all the crazy things that happened. I'm so intrigued to see how things end up between Grey and Willow because this revelation changes so much! 

So glad I decided to read this and now I must go buy the pretty books in store!

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Review: Rookie Mistake by Maren Moore

Rookie Mistake Rookie Mistake by Maren Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Davis and Zara are on fire! Seriously, the intensity between these two was felt the moment they locked eyes and it never stopped by the last page. I loved how bold Zara is and how she can match Davis in every aspect. She gave it to him and always had a quip back to him and I love that Davis fell for her each and every time she came back at him. Oliver was annoying but he is a typical brother. 

I loved Harper and Lily and would love to see their stories but I think this is the end of my favorite series by Maren Moore :( Which is so sad as I could stay in this world Maren made forever. 

I'm so glad we got the chance to get this story and I think it was one of the best. Possibly my second favorite! Cant wait to add this to my shrine on my shelf soon! 

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Review: The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson

The Reappearance of Rachel Price The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

* This review will have major spoilers. If you don't want spoilers, don't read.* 

This book surprised me in a good way - I couldn't put it down once I started it and finished it in less than 24 hours.

Bel went through some intense and crazy things during this novel. Her life has always been weird with her mother disappearing out of thing air and leaving Bel in a running car in February when she was 2. And then to stir everything up again, a documentary about her mother's disappearance. Only for her mother to mysterious come back after being missing for 16 years. A lot of coincidence that Bel wasn't believing for one bit. 

I loved how quick Bel was to find clues and lies, but then also be so oblivious to other things right in front of her face. She was so determined she was right that she couldn't look at the one person in her own house for the past 16 years. 

To find out her father, Charlie, blackmailed HIS father, Patrick, to kill his wife, Rachel, is just... a lot to process. That Bel's grandfather kept her mother prisoner in his property for 16 years, and her father wanting to kill her mother because she wasn't under his thumb? Again, blown away. I knew things weren't as they seemed when they were being revealed in this book, but I never guessed it was that twisted and webbed together in the Price family to make Rachel disappear. That takes brains and power and guts and it's a bit scary to think about that manipulation. 

But also Charlie? To want to kill his wife because she wasn't getting gaslighted by him anymore? That's craziness. The fact he's gotten away with manipulating everyone in his family. To the fact his brother Jeff said Charlie is what keeps this family running. That's definitely an extraordinary power running through Charlie knowing he has that control over so many people. 

So yes this book had me hook, line and sinker. I needed to know how it all ended because it was an amazing novel that kept me guessing from page to page. I really enjoyed it and I'm really glad I read it! 

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Review: The Girl with No Name by Mickey Miller

The Girl with No Name The Girl with No Name by Mickey Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Mickey Miller is an auto buy author for me and I was so excited to read this new release! This book is definitely different than his other books, but I really enjoyed the realness and in-the-moment vibes this book gives the reader. 

This book starts off with Reed's every day normal life. His love for Chicago. His future and aspirations. But each and every person has dreams they would love to live. Most of those dreams don't come true. Reed, with the push of his friend and a girl with no name, suddenly finds himself in an incomprehensible situation.

I found myself jealous of these characters a lot. Living life by the seat of their pants. Just living in the moment. No obligations. No responsibilities. Not that I could live that lifestyle, but it still made me yearn for something like that.

Reed and Luna's journey was inspiring and showed that the most unexpected things can happen in the blink of an eye. It gives readers hope that the right path will eventually come our way, it just might take longer than we want. We might be stuck in our everyday normal, but sooner or later we can get that right moment to really live our passions.

I'm thankful Mickey Miller wrote this deep and thoughtful novel. I wasn't expecting it since I've read his backlist, but I was truly surprised by how much this book impacted me after going through a rough two years. Definitely read this book - I think everyone will really love it! 

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Review: Daydreamer by Susie Tate

Daydreamer Daydreamer by Susie Tate
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a random purchase based off IG reels and I enjoyed it but it wasn't my absolute favorite. 

I loved Lucy. She is her own person and she is successful and funny. It doesn't matter if she daydreams too much or can't people very well. Each person is their own and we don't have to be like everyone else on the planet. Should Lucy have gone to work in the corporate world when she's so terrible at it for selfish reasons? No. But again, we all are human and make selfish decisions every day honestly. 

Felix had a crappy childhood growing up with a crappy father, so of course he's going to learn crappy behavior and mannerisms from that lifestyle. Does that excuse the way he treated Lucy? 100% not. Should Lucy have forgiven him? Felix showed how much he changed not only to get Lucy back because he genuinely didn't want to be that person, so yes I think it was great she forgave him. 

I think the downfall is this book was the lack of commination between these two characters. They were in each other's worlds but as passing ships even though they were together. Once you start seeing someone, why wouldn't all the secrets come out? Why keep them in the dark just for problems to happen because it's bound to come up and be a big issue and trust will be broken. 

So I'm glad I read this book after being swayed by the reels. Definitely made by book nerd girl happy!

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