My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I'm very surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. I haven't been able to connect with YA fantasy for awhile, so I was unsure how this would go, but I was hooked from the beginning, along for all of the twists and turns.
Can I just say, as much as I enjoyed this, I'm really frustrated with Abriella. Like, really really frustrated. I get that she had no idea what is going on and no one is being upfront with her, but her going back and forth between Sebastian and Finn really bothered me. Granted, they both kept some major secrets, but her inner turmoil was just too much for me.
So I'm definitely Team Finn. He gave me no reason to trust him over Sebastian, but the way he acted with Brie really showed me that he was a good man. He wouldn't take advantage of her in her weakened state. On the other hand, Sebastian went from girl to girl taking whatever he wanted and using the excuse that he had to get a wife... it really didn't suit well worth me at all.
I'm really curious to see how things are going to work out in book 2. Brie rushed into things way way too fast. I don't know how she would have finally figured out the truth without that rushed mindset, but I just wanted her to breathe and take a minute.
Overall, I enjoyed this and it definitely kept my attention. I did have some moments where I rolled my eyes, but I am intrigued to see how this all ends.
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