My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I decided to dive into this book because Bookish Box is doing a special edition of our and I wanted to see if I wanted to keep it or not. The answer: yes, I'm keeping it! (Unless they destroy the cover arr, then maybe not...)
I was reading through some Goodreads reviews about it being bland and a mash up of other popular fantasy books. I really didn't think it was bland. I loved being able to go into 2 characters viewpoints. I loved seeing the characters develop. And I read this very quickly, for it being a 500+ page book. I just went to get book 2 on Amazon actually. And i don't read a lot of fantasy novels, so I guess I'm lucky that I have nothing to compare it to.
Layala is a fantastic character. She's strong willed, determined, and independent and I love those things about her. But the longer she figures out the truth, the more her personality shifts into other characteristics. And the emotional turmoil she goes through with her feelings towards Thane are remarkable.
Thane is amazing. Seriously, he's my favorite. He is so determined to save his people not also change Layala's mind about him and his world. And he does many of it slyly that Layala doesn't write know what he is doing.
I totally called the traitor. I don't know how or why, there was no aha moment, but I knew it was coming.
So, yes, off to book 2 cause I need to know what happens next. Though i know book 2 has a cliffhanger too so that will also be brutal when I get to the end.
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