My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review.
This book was brilliant! It may have been a big page count, but I flew through it in no time because I absolutely loved it and couldn't stop reading it!
I loved that it was about an author having writer's block and trying to get inspiration. As a non-writer, I can wholeheartedly imagine this happening to many authors. This made Ellie so very real and normal like.
3 things I absolutely loved about this book (well, there are more but these are my top 3 things)
1. Max's grandma. Esme is amazing and I loved every interaction with her.
2. Winston. I don't have a cat, but I have 2 dogs, and they are not nearly as much work as Winston, thank goodness.
3. The Sims scene. I was laughing hysterically throughout that entire section, especially Max's reaction.
There are many, MANY more amazing scenes, basically the whole book, but those 3 things are my absolute favorite.
I adore this story and I'm so glad Ellie came into Max's life and was just pure Ellie. I'm so glad I got the chance to read this and, as always, already looking forward to more great novels by Emma Hart!
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