Saturday, August 31, 2024

Review: Imperfect Match by Vikki Jay

Imperfect Match: A billionaire, marriage of convenience romance Imperfect Match by Vikki Jay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Charles and Daisy are phenomenal! I absolutely love how opposite Daisy is with her sunshine and colors and humor compared to Charles' dark clothes and sarcastic, surly personality. Seeing the two of them together means you never know what will happen and I loved seeing the random conversations they could dive into. 

Both of these characters have a lot of deep feelings and memories to unpack and I loved seeing them conquer them at the pace they needed. The tight knit relationships they have with family and friends was amazing to see in action when it was needed. 

I also loved that as much as Daisy's feelings grew for Charles, she knew she needed to keep herself happy with her dreams and life goals and made the hard decision she needed to make to achieve it. That takes a strength words cannot describe.

I have been with Vikki Jay since book 1 and she is an auto buy for me! This book was amazing and I'm so glad we got another masterpiece from this author! I can't wait for my shelf trophies and I think everyone needs to pick up this author asap!

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Review: Emperor of Wrath by Jagger Cole

Emperor of Wrath Emperor of Wrath by Jagger Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Valentine PR. This is my honest review. 

Kenzo and Annika's journey is amazing and intense! I love that they have history and have been avoiding contact for five years. Definitely built the suspense!  

Annika has had a really hard life and I loved seeing her story on how she survived. She's very rarely afraid of anything so when she IS scared you know it's for a very good reason. 

Kenzo is such an intense person who's had to overcome so many obstacles to get where he is now. I loved seeing him get the turn around from Annika over and over again because it definitely kept him on his toes, never knowing what she would do next. 

This is very high on my list of favorite books by Jagger and I cant wait to see what happens in the next book!

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Review: Outmatched by Samantha Young and Kristen Callihan

Outmatched Outmatched by Kristen Callihan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I've been wanting to reread this for so long and finally just dived right in! I loved it just as much now as I did almost 5 years ago! Rhys and Parker are amazing characters and I loved seeing their growth through this novel. My review from 2019 was really great and I still agree with everything I said haha.

My review from November 3, 2019:
I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review.

Parker is making her own life and working hard for it, so she feels disgusted that she has to hire a fake boyfriend to get a permanent position at her dream job. One of the sponsors won't hire employees unless they show they have strong commitment goals... like being in a serious relationship. It's completely wrong, but Parker is desperate to keep this job.

Rhys had it all as a professional boxer, but after witnessing a match gone wrong, he stopped instantly. Now he's struggling to keep his parents gym they started and he's trying to find a solution that doesn't involve selling it. When he interferes with his brother's plan to get paid to date a rich girl, Rhys finds himself dating her instead.

The longer Rhys and Parker are around each other, the more their attraction grows and grows. But they are just acting, right? Both are going to have to face their past and decide if they want to discover what may be in store for them.

I'm so so glad I got a chance to read this eARC!!! I loved it so much! Both characters are strong minded and so stubborn it was really entertaining to watch them go head to head.

Rhys had a lot of self discovery to get through during this novel. He had a lot of guilt and anger and healing to do, but Parker was good for him. She pushed him and challenged him.

And Parker... I feel really bad about how Fairchild treated her. He's a jerk and a snob and I think it's terrible what Parker went through. She's such a strong, independent person and to have to lower herself to that standard was hard to witness.

This was such a great book and I'm glad I got a chance to read this early! Looking forward to future books by Samantha Young and now I'll go discover some books by Kristen Callihan!

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Review: Pack Dutton: Part 2 by Megan Cain (Hannah McBride)

Pack Dutton: Part 2 Pack Dutton: Part 2 by Megan Cain
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Hazel's story with Crew, Kellan, Rhett and Jude was just as fantastic in part 2 as it was in part 1! I love how each character has their own personality and how it all meshes so well with the 5 of them together! 

I also love that we get to meet more of the side characters in this book including Pack Stone! And Thane? That was a wonderful surprise that I feel I need more of!

Rhett's parents are awful. I can't stand any of them and wish bad things towards them. Calla needs her story told. I need her to find her HEA because she seems so lost and forcing herself to be what everyone around her wants to be. It breaks my heart. 

I'm so glad after all Hazel has gone through, she's in a great place with her pack. She made it through her nightmare to find her dreams come true. I may have had moments where the hornet was rough to read, but I'm so glad I devoured her story and that I'm immersed into this world! I can't wait for the next installment because the overall arch is just getting started and I need to see that system shut down.

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Review: The Fabric of Our Souls by K.M. Moronova

The Fabric of Our Souls The Fabric of Our Souls by K.M. Moronova
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an interesting book. I actually liked how all of the characters have issues they are dealing with because it made them seemed like normal people. We all have issues, some deeper than others, and seeing it discussed freely in this book was unique.

But because of the setting, I always got the feeling these were teenagers. Instead they are mid to late twenties and I just didn't get that vibe from them.  

I also just didn't LOVE this book. I'm not sure if I was supposed to because of the subject type, but Liam and Wynn go from not liking each other to having sex on the same page. It was just an odd relationship (again, because of the setting and topic I'm not surprised) but it just was missing something for me. 

Glad I read it so I know what is about but glad I won't have to collect every copy out there.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Review: Born of Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout

Born of Blood and Ash Born of Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Ash and Sera. Seriously my heart can't handle how much I love these two. The trials they have gone through during this series is more than words can say, and yet JLA gave us an enormous book to do just that. We all know how the ending goes for these two characters but to see the actions and drama unfold gave me shivers and sucked me in completely. Every emotion I felt, every reveal I read, it entrapped me completely and I didn't want it to end. 

JLA has given us an amazing book, full of so many things I will definitely have to go back and reread to really absorb all of the information. Readers of this series are going to love this new installment and all of the information that has been revealed to us! I'm very thankful I got the chance to read this and cannot wait for more by this amazing author! 

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Review: Wicked Serve by Grace Reilly

Wicked Serve Wicked Serve by Grace Reilly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley and Valentine PR. This is my honest review. 

Nikolai and Isabelle are fantastic together! I loved how they met for the summer and really connected and was a bit frustrated with Nik for ghosting her. I'm glad they got a second chance and that Isabelle made Nikolai work for it the next time around. 

I'm also glad the secrecy didn't last too terribly long since I'm not really a fan of that trope. I was able to make it through for this book and I'm glad I did. 

Both characters are dealing with personal issues in this novel. Some heavy hitters too and things that should have been addressed a long time ago. I'm glad they both have each other in their lives because the only reason they were able to get the help they needed was because the other stepped in and made sure they found the right people to make those positive changes. 

I'm glad I got the chance to read this book and I'm sure one day I'll read the rest of the Callahan clans HEA!

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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Review: Northern Twilight by Samantha Young

Northern Twilight Northern Twilight by Samantha Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review.

Callie and Lewis. These two were joined at the hips when they were younger so I'm not surprised they have a convoluted history as grown ups.

I love that Callie went off to France to learn more about baking but her heart will always be in Scotland. She's been through so much in her younger life and she knows exactly what she wants after that traumatic past.

And Lewis. He was definitely a typical 17 year old wondering about a different future because we are all like that. But I think he needed that experience to really understand that no where is going to be home.

Seeing these two as adults and learning to communicate better was magical. It shows that forgiveness is possible but also learning to admit when one made a bad judgment call. They also had a lot of time to make up and relearning each other's likes and dislikes. Yeah they knew the other person pretty well but people are always changing as they grow older.

I loved this story and I'm so glad Samantha Young gave us this next generation story!

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Review: Twisted Truths by P. Rayne

Twisted Truths Twisted Truths by P. Rayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review.

Obsidian and Ariana's story was fantastic! Seriously, I loved seeing these two together and couldn't stop reading this book. Obsidian has always been intriguing to me since book 1 and I was NOT disappointed once his book became available!

And Ariana is a great person. She wants to do better and live a clean life but of course her family puts her smack dab in the middle of their mess and she put it upon herself to clean it up.

I also loved the Little Mermaid retelling. I find there isn't too many out there so it was a nice surprise to see this story come to life in this dark and twisted way.

I'm so sad to see this series end but I know I can always revisit these characters as much as I want with rereads. I'm so glad I got the chance to read this and I can't wait to add it to my physical library!

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