Monday, August 19, 2024

Review: Pack Dutton: Part 2 by Megan Cain (Hannah McBride)

Pack Dutton: Part 2 Pack Dutton: Part 2 by Megan Cain
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Hazel's story with Crew, Kellan, Rhett and Jude was just as fantastic in part 2 as it was in part 1! I love how each character has their own personality and how it all meshes so well with the 5 of them together! 

I also love that we get to meet more of the side characters in this book including Pack Stone! And Thane? That was a wonderful surprise that I feel I need more of!

Rhett's parents are awful. I can't stand any of them and wish bad things towards them. Calla needs her story told. I need her to find her HEA because she seems so lost and forcing herself to be what everyone around her wants to be. It breaks my heart. 

I'm so glad after all Hazel has gone through, she's in a great place with her pack. She made it through her nightmare to find her dreams come true. I may have had moments where the hornet was rough to read, but I'm so glad I devoured her story and that I'm immersed into this world! I can't wait for the next installment because the overall arch is just getting started and I need to see that system shut down.

View all my reviews

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