Thursday, August 8, 2024

Review: Twisted Truths by P. Rayne

Twisted Truths Twisted Truths by P. Rayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review.

Obsidian and Ariana's story was fantastic! Seriously, I loved seeing these two together and couldn't stop reading this book. Obsidian has always been intriguing to me since book 1 and I was NOT disappointed once his book became available!

And Ariana is a great person. She wants to do better and live a clean life but of course her family puts her smack dab in the middle of their mess and she put it upon herself to clean it up.

I also loved the Little Mermaid retelling. I find there isn't too many out there so it was a nice surprise to see this story come to life in this dark and twisted way.

I'm so sad to see this series end but I know I can always revisit these characters as much as I want with rereads. I'm so glad I got the chance to read this and I can't wait to add it to my physical library!

View all my reviews

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