Friday, July 26, 2024

Review: Every Wrong You Right by J.E. Parker

Every Wrong You Right Every Wrong You Right by J.E. Parker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Heidi and Ty's story intrigued me when I discovered Ty learned ASL to talk to Heidi. That alone made me swoon so much because you know he's a keeper to go out of his way to learn a language to communicate to a woman he's attracted to. 

I love Heidi's fierce determination to accomplish everything in life. She not going to let anything stop her from doing what she wants to do and I love that so much. 

Ty had his demons and he let those control his life which resulted in hurting a lot of other people. But seeing him try to redeem his past wrongs is admirable and shows he's changed so much as a person. 

I'm glad I got the chance to read this book and may try to read the rest of the series soon! 

View all my reviews

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