Saturday, September 21, 2024

Review: Rookie Mistake by Maren Moore

Rookie Mistake Rookie Mistake by Maren Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Davis and Zara are on fire! Seriously, the intensity between these two was felt the moment they locked eyes and it never stopped by the last page. I loved how bold Zara is and how she can match Davis in every aspect. She gave it to him and always had a quip back to him and I love that Davis fell for her each and every time she came back at him. Oliver was annoying but he is a typical brother. 

I loved Harper and Lily and would love to see their stories but I think this is the end of my favorite series by Maren Moore :( Which is so sad as I could stay in this world Maren made forever. 

I'm so glad we got the chance to get this story and I think it was one of the best. Possibly my second favorite! Cant wait to add this to my shrine on my shelf soon! 

View all my reviews

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