Friday, July 26, 2024

Review: Every Wrong You Right by J.E. Parker

Every Wrong You Right Every Wrong You Right by J.E. Parker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Heidi and Ty's story intrigued me when I discovered Ty learned ASL to talk to Heidi. That alone made me swoon so much because you know he's a keeper to go out of his way to learn a language to communicate to a woman he's attracted to. 

I love Heidi's fierce determination to accomplish everything in life. She not going to let anything stop her from doing what she wants to do and I love that so much. 

Ty had his demons and he let those control his life which resulted in hurting a lot of other people. But seeing him try to redeem his past wrongs is admirable and shows he's changed so much as a person. 

I'm glad I got the chance to read this book and may try to read the rest of the series soon! 

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Review: Saving the Beast by Pru Schuyler

Saving the Beast Saving the Beast by Pru Schuyler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Blair and Griffin are amazing! I adore all things Beauty and the Beast and this book is right up with all the other ones I love! I love how beastly but cuddly Griffin is. He has his way on the ice with hockey but besides that he's extremely chill and mature. Once he decided Blair was end game, I love how determination to make sure she never wanted to leave him again.

Blair had goals and she is slaying them. The way she goes out of her comfort zone to help her dad is amazing. She's not afraid of working hard and she's determined to accomplish everything she wants.

This novel was so great and I'm so glad I got the chance to read it! I'm now very tempted to read all of this authors back list! 

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Review: Beautiful Beast by Neva Altaj

Beautiful Beast Beautiful Beast by Neva Altaj
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review.

Rafael and Vasilisa are now my favorite couple from this author! Seriously, I devoured this book and loved seeing these two together. The way they acted toward each other from the second they met has had me ensnared and I couldn't get enough of them. I was so so sad when this book ended because I just wanted more and more of their life.

I loved that even though Rafael was blown away by Vasilisa's beauty, he didn't make that something known to her. And that he ended up liking her determination to get home and she kept fighting until they had an agreement. Him liking her for her personality was such a beautiful thing to see.

And Vasilisa not even blinking at all of Rafael's scars was fantastic. As she said, she's constantly around men with scars or injuries that she doesn't even see them anymore. And the way he tried to hide from her to not scare her because everyone else in his world flinches or screams when they look at him. This man is ruthless and has learned to harder his heart, so seeing Vasilisa not be fazed was amazing.

I have been a fan of Nava's since book 1, but this book has blown me away and it's definitely my favorite of them all! Doesn't hurt that Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie too haha.

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Review: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

The Giving Tree The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the shortest book I've read probably and the most impacting.  A story about one party who only wants to give to the one they love, while the other party ends up taking everything from them to benefit themselves.  But the tree loves the boy until the end and that shows true love and joy from the tree, that no matter how much the boy wanted, she was willing to give him everything of her.  And yet, when he needed one last thing that didn't involve her sacrifice, she still gave it to him.  

So many emotions came from this tiny book and this author did a fantastic job of portraying those just in the dialogue and simple drawings.  I'm glad a friend recommended this to me as it will stay with me for years to come.

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Review: Obsession byJane Henry

Obsession Obsession by Jane Henry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel. This is my honest review. 

Violet and Cain's story was packed full of action, mystery and suspense! This is my first book by Jane Henry and I really enjoyed her writing! 

Violet is a woman everyone female should aspire to be. She takes charge of her life and trains to protect herself against anyone wishing her ill. She is determined, strong willed, and so smart. I loved seeing her up against Cain because you just never knew which one was going to win that altercation.

Cain is a man used to getting what he wants, when he wants it, with no questions. He was drastically underprepared for Violet in his life. 

I loved that there were 2 missions in this book to really show how well these two characters work well together. 

This book was really good and I'm glad I took a chance on reading it!  

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Review: Walkoff Wedding by Maren Moore

Walkoff Wedding Walkoff Wedding by Maren Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Grant and Addies story is amazing! This whole series is legit a top favorite of mine and I love how much Maren Moore makes this a great world to get sucked into. 

I love that Grant was so insistent on meeting ArtGirl when they were talking. You could just feel his excitement and his need to meet the girl he was connecting with online. He definitely jumped into things way faster than Addie did when it came to life altering events, but Grant knew what he wanted and wasnt afraid to go after it. 

And seeing Addie open up and flourish into a more confident woman was amazing. She was always pushed aside at home and that made her fold into herself and be shy. I'm so glad Grant helped her gain confidence and awareness of just how awesome she really is.

Auggie is amazing. 

Seeing Reece and Lane and everyone was fantastic. Lane is still my guy through 3 books! 

I love love love this series and I'm so happy Grant got his HEA! Not sure if anymore books are happening in this series but these 3 so far are must reads!

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Friday, July 12, 2024

Review: Daddy's Little Librarian by Lila Fox

Daddy's Little Librarian Daddy's Little Librarian by Lila Fox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The author kindly gifted me this book and I will be meeting her in just a week!  I chose this book because of Ava's job and it's number 17 in the series, but I didn't feel lost at all with getting introduced to characters and the world building that has been created for 17 books prior.  

I love that Sean was instantly drawn to Ava the first moment he saw her and he was determined, but patient, to get Ava to warm up to him.  He knew nothing short of Ava not being interested in him was going to stop his pursuance of her, and since Ava WAS interested in her own shy way at the beginning, it was great to see him on his path to getting his happily ever after. 

I love that Ava was able to build her new life after what she went through with her ex.  She got out and was living her life again and that is just an achievement all on it's own.  I like that she was cautious with Sean even though the attraction was there because she was leery.  Shows that she was still growing as a person. 

I'm glad I got a chance to read this and may eventually fall down the rabbit hole to read the other books in the series!

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Review: Monstrous Urges by Jagger Cole

Monstrous Urges
by Jagger Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Valentine PR. This is my honest review. 

Taylor and Drazen!  This book was packed full of action, adventure, intensity - the whole works honestly!  I legit couldn't put this book down and basically finished it in one sitting! 

I love how amazing Taylor is.  She has worked her way to the top tier lawyer practice and she's tenacious, determined, and so smart.  Seeing her go head to head with some of the most influential people in the world is inspiring.  And that includes Drazen.

Drazen is so revenge motivated at the beginning of this book.  But seeing him fall more and more for Taylor was amazing.  He definitely fought it at first but getting snared by Taylor's aura was only a matter of time. 

The mystery of Taylor's memory loss?  The battle of their families?  The big secret?  All of it was brilliant!  I loved this so much and I'm so glad we finally got these two's story - it was perfectly executed and I am sad it's now all done.  Jagger knocked it out of the park and I can't wait for the next one! 

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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Review: Silver Wings Golden Games by Evie Marceau

Silver Wings Golden Games Silver Wings Golden Games by Evie Marceau
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Sabine and Wolf's adventure continues in this second book when Sabine is forced to be the fiance of Rian and ignore her feelings toward Wolf, while also hating Wolf after what he said and did in book 1.  And this book was a good continuation after the debut, but I hate tug of war novels.  She says she hates Wolf, she really loves him.  She kisses Rian, when she really wants to kiss Wolf.  Wolf loves her, but keeps her away for her safety. 

If it was just a little bit of the tug of war, I wouldn't mind, but it was just the entire book with one lie after another, one white truth after another, and I got very tired of it all by 40%.  I loved seeing Sabine get more confident in her godkissed ability though.  

But then the ending of Sabine getting taken and Wolf not knowing who she is... I'm just tired of them not getting a moment's of happily ever after before something comes along to ruin it.  So I'm not sure if I will continue with book 3 when it's released and I'm not sure if I will keep the SE set that is to come out later this year.  It's just a lot to deal with and I don't have the patience for it. 

That being said, I did enjoy the story, I liked the surprises that happened, I like the characters.  It just isn't amazing for me to want to own this in print I think. 

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Monday, July 8, 2024

Review: White Horse Black Nights by Evie Marceau

White Horse Black Nights White Horse Black Nights by Evie Marceau
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sabine and Wolf's story was very interesting and unique!  I got this book because a book box is doing a SE to see if I will like it enough to own it and I'm so glad I got introduced to this story!

I adore Sabine.  She is a spit fire and even though she's very new to the world after being basically caged up for all of her life, she is so worldly when trying to escape Wolf on their travel to her new cage.  She has a lot of fire and motivation to be free and I love seeing her try to outmaneuver her way through every obstacle she can think of.  

Wolf is a harder character to love, though I do like him a lot.  He's just duty bound to Rian and lets that cloud his thoughts rather than living his own life and doing things that HE wants to do.  Seeing him let go with Sabine those few times were amazing and I just wish he had the courage to do what he wanted in life rather than follow orders. 

Sabine's godkissed ability is amazing and I love it so much.  She is such a gentle soul and never takes things or living beings for granted.  

To say I am intrigued is an understatement and I downloaded book 2 right away to see how this adventure goes into book 2!  I'm glad I decided to dive right into this and I think a lot of readers would enjoy this story!

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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Review: Grumpy Goalie by Delancey Stewart

Grumpy Goalie Grumpy Goalie by Delancey Stewart
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a fun and cute novel. Stephano and Hillary are so completely opposite that they work so well together. I love Hillarys bubbly personality and I definitely love Stephano's grumpiness.  

I think their communication could have been way better and honestly? I didn't like Stephano's mom. She was way too judgy towards Hillary and snubbed her because she didn't live in Italy instead of being happy her son found someone to be with. I hate judgemental mothers because of my own history. Plus Stephano almost let his mother make his life decisions when he is an adult. 

Anyway, I thought this book was good and I'm glad I read it! 

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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Review: Reckless by Lauren Roberts

Reckless Reckless by Lauren Roberts
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The way this book just picks up moments after book 1 finished is amazing. Action, adventure, betrayal, conflicting feelings, survival. This book had it all and so much more, especially the intensity between Paedyn and Kai. These two have been gravitating around each other for so long I'm shocked they are still able to resist each other. Both have their purpose in life that had nothing to do with each other, but the pull between them is unignorable. 

Pae had been through so much in such a short amount of time and she didn't just get to grieve for everything that she's been through. And during this journey she will doesn't get to process, but keeps getting more and more thrown at her. Honestly I'd give up if I were her. Which makes me a terrible martyr so thank goodness Pae is nothing like me. 

And Kai keeps putting duty above everything else and I'm about to knock a few of his teeth loose. Why does he own his loyalty to a family who is only raising him to be a weapon? I think it's unfair and for him to sacrifice everything he wants for his duty is baloney. 

So much happens between Kai and Paedyn in this book but not a whole lot else occurs to be honest. Which I'm completely okay with because I love the moments between these two so much. 

I'm bummed I have to wait for book 3 and can see myself rereading the whole series to get caught back up for that long awaited day. I'm glad I dived into this second installment and I can't wait to see how it ends! 

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Review: Trouble by Tia Louise

Trouble Trouble by Tia Louise
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book was okay. Not great but not awful. I felt a bit disconnected with the characters and so many things randomly came out of nowhere it felt to me, so I was a bit jerked around almost.  

Spencer grew a lot in this book and I really loved seeing that. Joselyn was a bit chaotic but I liked that she decided to put herself first after all the crap Elliot out her through. 

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Review: Veiled Truths by A.M. Kusi

Veiled Truths Veiled Truths by A.M. Kusi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author.  This is my honest review. 

After devouring this book in two sittings, I am so ecstatic that the MC Pirates are about to get their stories!  I've loved these grizzly men since we first met them and cannot wait until all of these men get their stories and HEA! 

Also, if you find yourself getting deja vu reading this novel, you may have read Carter and Piper's story in "A Book A Day Presents Color Theory 3: Let Love Live! Anthology.  A.M. Kusi had their story as a short story there and I had forgotten that at first, ha.  

I love seeing Piper come to life in this novel.  Her parents are scum and the way she grew up was awful.  I'm so glad Carter came into her life and made her realize that happiness is out there and also being strong for oneself is obtainable and needed to survive.  She really grew into a person she is proud of and I love that so much. 

Carter also getting his revenge for his false sentence?  Perfection.  The end of the book with Fred?  I was cackling with revenge at how perfect it was!

I'm so glad I got the chance to read this novel and will, as always, consume anything this author creates, because I love these worlds so much!  I urge anyone who's thinking about diving into their books to do so asap because once you dive, you won't want to resurface!

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Review: Hate at First Sight by Mickey Miller

Hate at First Sight Hate at First Sight by Mickey Miller
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Amelia and Jack's story was very entertaining, fun the moment they met, all the way to Costa Rico and back to Chicago.  I was able to relate to Amelia in certain ways throughout this book.  I was also jealous of her going on a yoga retreat in a slice of paradise.

Jack is a little too conceited for my taste.  He acts like a grumpy CEO billionaire but then also says certain things that make him look like a wanna be surfer.  The mix didn't really work for me.  And Amelia's hot and cold about her opinion of him was a bit much to keep up with and got a bit old after awhile. 

I am glad Amelia was able to figure out her life after all the unexpected news hit her.  She definitely smart and capable of taking care of herself and I liked seeing her strength. 

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