Sunday, July 14, 2024

Review: Obsession byJane Henry

Obsession Obsession by Jane Henry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel. This is my honest review. 

Violet and Cain's story was packed full of action, mystery and suspense! This is my first book by Jane Henry and I really enjoyed her writing! 

Violet is a woman everyone female should aspire to be. She takes charge of her life and trains to protect herself against anyone wishing her ill. She is determined, strong willed, and so smart. I loved seeing her up against Cain because you just never knew which one was going to win that altercation.

Cain is a man used to getting what he wants, when he wants it, with no questions. He was drastically underprepared for Violet in his life. 

I loved that there were 2 missions in this book to really show how well these two characters work well together. 

This book was really good and I'm glad I took a chance on reading it!  

View all my reviews

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