Monday, July 1, 2024

Review: Hate at First Sight by Mickey Miller

Hate at First Sight Hate at First Sight by Mickey Miller
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Amelia and Jack's story was very entertaining, fun the moment they met, all the way to Costa Rico and back to Chicago.  I was able to relate to Amelia in certain ways throughout this book.  I was also jealous of her going on a yoga retreat in a slice of paradise.

Jack is a little too conceited for my taste.  He acts like a grumpy CEO billionaire but then also says certain things that make him look like a wanna be surfer.  The mix didn't really work for me.  And Amelia's hot and cold about her opinion of him was a bit much to keep up with and got a bit old after awhile. 

I am glad Amelia was able to figure out her life after all the unexpected news hit her.  She definitely smart and capable of taking care of herself and I liked seeing her strength. 

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