Sunday, May 26, 2024

Review: A Reign of Rose by Kate Golden

A Reign of Rose A Reign of Rose by Kate Golden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review. 

I devoured this book in just a few hours. I'm not even sure I moved once while reading it! I was completely entranced in Arwen and Kane's story and needed to see how this was all going to end. And I loved every stage of it. I swear Arwen is a cat with nine lives because this girl throws her whole being into saving everyone around her rather than herself. I dint know if I could be get friends going through that grief over and over again. 

Both Arwen and Kane have grown so much from when they first met and I loved seeing all of their changes throughout these 3 novels. And Arwen's brightness risking Kane's doom or gloom is quite comical. As is Griffin being super stoic. These characters have so many great quirks, its amazing. 

I love Arwen's animal and I totally called what it was at the beginning of this book. I'm so glad I'm right too! 

I'm going there might be a spin off series from this world in the works! Mari, Ryder, Leigh - they all need their story told and I'll be one of the first readers to read it if I'm allowed! Suvh a great series that I'm so glad I dived into and experienced! I wont be forgetting this world any time soon!

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