Friday, May 3, 2024

Review: Shattered Vows by P. Rayne

Shattered Vows Shattered Vows by P. Rayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Valentine PR. This is my honest review. 

Kol and Rhapsody!  I love these two! Their origin story is amazing and then them reuniting? Swoon! 

Poor Rhapsody though. Her life up to this point sounds awful. I'm glad she was finally able to get out of that situation and finally live her life, experience so many firsts that she's wanted to. And I'm glad Kol is the one to help her experience these moments! 

The twist at the end I honestly didn't see coming. And the Easter egg was really cool too see! 

I'm so glad to have read this book and cannot wait to get a copy to put on my shelf! 

View all my reviews

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