Thursday, May 30, 2024

Review: The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst

The Spellshop The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from Edelweiss.  This is my honest review. 

I really really REALLY wanted to like this book!  I mean a librarian who hates people, loves books, lives in a library, goes to a remote cabin and gets to live a quiet life?  That's literally my life...  But I become so bored for most of this book and then got frustrated with the amount of repetition.  Maybe the life of a librarian is bored and I never knew until reading about it?  I'm not sure, but I'm pretty bummed I didn't devour this and love it as much as I thought I would. 

Kiela was a hard character to connect with.  She was very awkward and stilted making reading her story hard and slow.  I loved her love for books and spells and solitude, but being in her head, and then having what's in her head get repeated when she HAD to talk to people, really got a bit old after awhile.  I loved Caz, he was hilarious and the spark of life Kiela needed, but he wasn't enough to make me love the book more. 

Larran was a great character, you could tell he likes Kiela and he's just as awkward as her, but he's been more social than she has and knows how to be a nice, friendly neighbor.  But when he's presented with Kiela's awkwardness, their two awkward personalities at once?  It was a bit much and so cringy. 

So, I'm sad I didn't love it, but I am glad I read it.  I see a lot of great reviews out there that people adore this book and I'm so happy I'm in the minority with my thoughts. 

View all my reviews

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