Sunday, June 30, 2024

Review: Billionaire Grump by Julie Capulet

Billionaire Grump Billionaire Grump by Julie Capulet
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions. This is my honest review. 

Alexander and Ivy's story is so fast and intense.  These two fell for each other three moment they saw each other and they never slowed down after that moment.  I would never do any of the things they did but I'm sure it happens for some people in real life. 

And Alexander?  He is so much.  He steam rolled Ivy once they got home and my head is still reeling from everything he threw at her in one second. 

Josh was insanely reckless with his decision but I knew Roy did some sketchy things to obtain that money so I'm glad Alexander came swooping in when he did to save the day.  Because Roy totally deserved that shake down! 

I can't imagine having the amount of wealth these characters do, so to me this is all a dream of a perfect life.  I know it exists out there, I'll just never get to experience it except through fictional books, ha!

I'm glad I got the chance to read this book and meet these characters!

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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Review: Dragon's Oath by Sophie Stern

Dragon's Oath Dragon's Oath by Sophie Stern
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Peggy and Cameron have an unexpected meeting that changed their lives forever. Peggy is extremely kind and brave. I'm not sure if I could have done what she did, to be honest. To listed to a complete stranger who scared the crap out of me? Knowingly walking into dragon territory to fulfill the oath? Yeah I'd be terrified. 

This book was extremely short and dived right into the story. I'm glad I grabbed it for free to see how this dragon story went and I may see about getting the rest of the series at a later date! 

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Review: Ancients by Kathryn Moon

Ancients Ancients by Kathryn Moon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This final book was a really great conclusion to the series. I had a harder time with the two middle books, but the way the Ancients were introduced and how the final solution panned out, I really liked the way it was all finished.

Joanna is pretty much a badass. I loved that she started as a person who had no magic to a really strong, impressive witch. Plus she is just able to connect with almost everyone in her life and she always wanting to help. The true philosophy of a librarian.

I loved how the ancients came together and were willing to do a major change to find a balance in everyone's lives. One of the best endings I've seen!

I'm glad I decided to read this series and I'm glad I bought the original covers to meet the author in July!

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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Review: Scrivens by Kathryn Moon

Scrivens Scrivens by Kathryn Moon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Seeing Joanna get to know her family in this book was sweet. But it felt like she was torn between her coven and her family at times and that she needs a better balance. Plus some of the Scriveners are definitely abusing their magic which was disgusting.

I love that Joanna's magic is so powerful. She is definitely a wordsmith and can create the strongest message and I love seeing that occur. I don't think she understands how strong she is, which would be a bad thing is she wasnt Joanna. I don't think she could intentionally hurt anyone, even though she was tempted in this book.

Very intrigued to see how the last book goes and hopefully this coven can get a break on the craziness that has happened since Joanna joined!

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Review: Warriors by Kathryn Moon

Warriors Warriors by Kathryn Moon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Book 2 in this series was okay.  Joanna shows she's a powerful witch and her magic has no limits, which I love so much.  She goes from thinking she has no magic to a powerful force in a very short time. 

Surprisingly, I really found myself loving Bryce in this book which is not a character I thought I would enjoy.  But watching Bryce with the kids was fantastic! 

The connection between Joanna, Aiden, Callum and Isaac is really strong and their devotion to one another is great.  Their coven can withstand a lot of blocks which is good since they have a lot going on in their lives. 

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Review: Written by Kathryn Moon

Written Written by Kathryn Moon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book about a librarian? Yes, please! Joanna's pure reaction to the new library she is working at is my reaction every time I go to a library. I loved seeing her amazement and excitement because I know exactly how all of those moments feel. 

Callus, Aiden and Issac's reactions towards Joanna was so great. They all were instantly drawn to her and they wanted to protect her and be with her at all times. What girl would say no to that? 

I love how Joanna's magic was finally revealed to her and that it is such a Joanna moment. To write her magic and it comes true. I need that bit of magic into my life haha.

With both covens defeating The Hollow, I loved the action and the struggle they all went through for their success. And that even though the guys wanted to protect Joanna, she was essential to their success and they stopped coddling her by the end. 

I definitely enjoyed this story and I'm excited to continue the series with the next book

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Review: The Alpha of Bleake Isle by Kathryn Moon

The Alpha of Bleake Isle The Alpha of Bleake Isle by Kathryn Moon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dragons and alphas and suspense - I love this would and this story!  I love that Mairwen blossomed into her true self once Ronson chose her as his omega and gave her the respect and love and attention she deserved.  Being verbally abused her whole life really shaped her into a shell of herself.  I'm glad she had books to hide in, but I'm even more glad she got Ronson's attention when she did. 

I love how strong and smart Mairwen is.  She is shaping their world into a better place with each moment of confidence she gains.  And I know I'm gushing about Mairwen more at the moment, but she is an amazing character and I loved seeing her growth into the leader she is. 

Ronson is amazing and fantastic as well and I love how much he dots on his omega.  Once he realized her amazingness, his support only grew for her.  

I love Niall and hope he will get his own book someday! The dry sense of humor and his quiet judgment is the best lol.

So glad I dived into this and will be getting my copy signed in July! 

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Review: The Reality of Everything by Rebecca Yarros

The Reality of Everything The Reality of Everything by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has floored me. Honestly I didn't think I would love Morgan's book this much after all the love I've given for the other characters. But Morgan's story is so real. So gutwrenching. So inspiring.  

She has loved the same man for eight years with barely a hope to get that love returned. And then she had to watch everyone in her life get their happily ever after while she got lost and forgotten by all of them. I very much understand how and why she got her anxiety and grief and why it wouldn't go away. The scene where she told everyone exactly how she felt about them in her life? I'll never forget it because that was so REAL and TRUE and it really resonated with me. 

And seeing Morgan with Jackson? Pure magic. And seeing Jackson pursue Morgan each and every time? Perfection. And the times Jackson laid EVERYTHING out to Morgan? Telling her everything he was thinking and feeling? I need a man like that in my life asap. Because that is an adult who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to let anyone in his life know.  

The scene of Morgan driving through a freaking hurricane to save Finley and Vivian? I got goosebumps. It was so insane. The truck floating away in the ocean? 

Gah I have no words for this book I seriously love it so much and I'm so glad I finally read it after a much needed binge read. This book will stay with me for a long time because it's so emotional and real and amazing.

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Review: Hallowed Ground by Rebecca Yarros

Hallowed Ground Hallowed Ground by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is so full of angst, emotion, no communication, love, and frustration. In a nut shell that's what is in this book. I was so excited to see this was Ember and Josh's story again and couldn't wait to see how things are going for them. But, boy, this is a hard book to stomach. Both of these characters go through so much during this time period and I had a rough time in some parts. I'm sure this is real life situations with with life military families. And if that's the case? I have no idea how people can handle these strong emotions in a daily basis.

So basically, I myself am not made to deal with this lifestyle and I commend every family who goes through this torture.  

Every scene where Josh makes a decision about their life without Ember? Awful. A relationship is about communication and trust and Josh wasn't doing any of that. Ember is so much stronger than I will ever be and I'm glad Josh has her in his life because not many women would put up with that. 

So I'm glad these two had another book. I'm glad they figured it their issues. But I'm probably not going to read this again because that was more issues to go through than I cared for. 

I'm very excited to dive into #5!

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Review: Beyond What is Given by Rebecca Yarros

Beyond What is Given Beyond What is Given by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grayson has intrigued me since the first moment we met his grunting personality, and I'm so happy we got his story!  I loved seeing him fall for Sam, but it was hard to watch him be split between the two worlds he lives in.  I'm not mad, because his devotion to NC is what makes him, him, but I wish he did a better job explaining to Sam how he felt and didn't put her through the ringer so much. 

Sam is a fighter and I love her spirit.  She had her moments of sadness, as any human being, but in the end she fought for so many things that she wanted in her life and she has no regrets, and that is so admirable.  

Seeing these two and their story gives hope to so many readers in the world I feel.  I'm so glad I decided to reread these first 3 books because I forgot just how much I loved this world that Yarros has created!

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Review: Eyes Turned Skyward by Rebecca Yarros

Eyes Turned Skyward Eyes Turned Skyward by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Getting Jaggers story was amazing.  I'm not sure how I saw him falling for a girl after the playmaker he was in book 1, but he was a whole different person this time around.  Getting into flight school really made him focus on his life and then saving Paisley's life have him the drive he needed to get serious about everything.  I loved seeing this version of him.  I also loved how over confident he was in flight school against Will Carter (I'm using his whole name since he was referred to by so many versions in this book).

Also I love the fact that Paisley is going to school in library sciences as that is what I got my degree in!  Not many books about those majors so it warms my heart. 

But my heart does break for Paisley.  She's in this bubble with everyone around her and no one will treat her like she's her own person.  The amount of conversations she tries to have with her mom and Will frustrate me and make me so sad for her.  They need to understand that they can be scared but they can't control her decisions.  I'm so glad she started to stick up for herself and that she had Jagger.  Though her keeping this giant secret from him was so wrong because he should have had the knowledge that something could happen.  I'm not sure if he would have done those things with her, but he needed to know what could happen to be better prepared.  That was extremely wrong of her.  His secret wasn't a life threatening secret so she couldn't even use that in her favor. 

I'm so glad I reread this and revisited these characters.  I'm extremely glad I didn't cry during this one, but I'm sure Rebecca Yarros will make up for that in the next book lol.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Review: Full Measures by Rebecca Yarros

Full Measures Full Measures by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The  beginning of this book had me sobbing but I'm not really surprised anymore that Rebecca Yarros will bring me to tears.  She's ridiculously harsh and talented like that.  I have not been in a position that Ember was in, but I FELT like I was her going through the amount of turmoil the way Rebecca brought it to life. 

I completely resonated with Ember in this book.  How she chose to grieve, or not grieve.  How she took charge being the oldest child.  How she allowed herself to skip the reflection she needed to take care of her family.  That's something I would do in her shoes and it just hit home to me.

Josh is amazing.  Wonderful.  He was there every time Ember needed to let her emotions out and he knew what she could handle heading versus not heading.  Do I agree about the truths he kept hidden?  No.  Not at all.  Do I understand why he did it?  Absolutely.  

This book is full of emotions, from grief to ecstatic and I was there every second of the way.  I finally have all 5 books in the series so I'm diving in and hope I don't be too heartbroken by the end of this binge!

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Review: Rematch by Tammy Falkner

Rematch Rematch by Tammy Falkner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author.  This is my honest review.

Every.  Single.  Book.  Tammy Falkner writes, I devour.  Seriously, I have no idea what she puts in these books, but I can't get enough of them.  With this book to officially connect the Reeds and the Fishers, I knew it was going to be amazing.  Because all of her books are, but this one?  THIS ONE?  I went through every emotion I possess and I loved every single word of this novel.  

Seth is fantastic.  He's been through so much and he has learned so much from his childhood to then being with the Reeds.  Basically he's perfection in my mind ha.  But he is so patient and thoughtful and emotional.  I loved seeing him pursue Gabby over and over again. 

And Gabby is such a strong woman and I loved seeing her take care of herself without needing someone to protect her.  The way she got G. L. to cower was fantastic and I was so proud of her as a fellow woman.  She did protest WAY too much that you knew she was lying the second it happened.  And I loved seeing her relationship with her family blossom throughout this book. 

The Reeds are fantastic and still have the goodness about them that they had in their own stories.  I've said this before, but we need the Reed family to be real because we need more amazing, selfless people in this world to help others.  

And the Fishers were magnificent, especially Pops.  That man is hilarious and I can't help but love him so much. 

So, yes, I devoured this book even though I wanted to savor it.  This book has DEFINITELY shown me that I want to reread the entire backlog of Tammy Falkners books, BUT you 1,000% do not need to reread to enjoy this book.  Tammy was able to flawlessly revisit this world again without feeling lost or confused and that is talent not many authors have.  Especially because it's been awhile since I've visited these characters, but the second I opened this book, I was right back in it with no issues whatsoever. 

I am so glad another book was released to see these amazing people again and I'm so glad I got to read this!

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Review: Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne

Midnight Whispers Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author.  This is my honest review. 

This series - I honestly can't say enough how much I am enjoying P Rayne's novels and how intense they get!  This series full of dark fairy tales is wonderful and I love each new character couple we are introduced to. 

Nero and Cinder are amazing together, but the secrets they are both hiding from do come between them fairly frequently.  I love how determined Cinder is to go out on her own and stop being bullied by her step-family.  I also love how she's not ashamed about her jobs but actually blossoms from them because it brings some joy to her life.  She took a tense situation and made it hers and I love that so much.

Nero is definitely not as dark and moody and grumpy as his other brothers, and that was the biggest surprise for me honestly ha.  These Voss brothers are known for their...attitudes, but having Nero be not as dark was fantastic.  I also love the intense way he focuses on Cinder throughout the book!

I really loved seeing these two work through their secrets and figure out their feelings.  I'm excited for Obsidian's story next, but will also be sad that it will be the last one in the series!

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Review: Mine to Gain by Maggie Rawdon

Mine to Gain: An Ex's Brother Single Dad Sports Romance Mine to Gain: An Ex's Brother Single Dad Sports Romance by Maggie Rawdon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

Revisiting these characters is always amazing.  I loved diving into Cooper and Trix's story.  Lizzy was also amazing! 

The mystery and suspense had me on the edge of my seat, I wasnt able to pick the right suspect even though I had suspicions about multiple characters.  So I was very happy to be surprised with the reveal. 

Rob annoyed the crap out of me.  He was so entitled and a snob and I so wasn't there for that.  He definitely needed to focus on his own problems.

After the ending of this book I'm really hoping Ramsey will be next because he went through some things on this novel and I need to see how HEA!

I'm glad I got the chance to read this novel and know so many readers are going to devour this! 

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Review: Scorched by J. Lynn(Jennifer L. Armentrout)

Scorched Scorched by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Andrea and Tanner.  I really love these two so much.  Their banter at the beginning and then to watch Tanner fall for Andrea?  To see him flurt and pursue her and for Andrea to be so confused at first.  I forgot how intense Tanner was when he put his mind into something and that something was Andrea.  

And then watching Andrea suffer so much and not realize what she is going through.  That everyone around her is trying to help but she's unable to understand what she is going through.  It's such a real moment JLA brings to paper for readers to try to understand that something can be viewed one way but mean another.  I want everyone to get the help and support they need in times like this and showing readers that one person can reflect on what they are doing and think everything is okay when it's not?  That's a powerful message that I didn't see as much the first time I read this but see so much now.  

This book has so many messages and so many ups and downs, and it's so real for me.  I'm glad I reread this series.  It's not so fun and swoon, but really hits hard with some tough subjects.  

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Friday, June 14, 2024

Review: Frigid by J. Lynn (Jennifer L. Armentrout)

Frigid Frigid by J. Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I desperately needed a JLA reread and Frigid was the first book to pop in my head.  I'm so glad I reread this again and was with Kyler and Sydney.  Just something about this book and this setting really fills a hole inside of me!  

I don't normally like friends to lovers because of the angst and the "I can't ruin my friendship" mindset, which these two have in spades, but thankfully this book doesn't focus on TOO much.  And I love that Sydney decided to make the first move and tell Kyler how she felt, even though she messed it up quite a bit and got Kyler mad. 

I also love the mystery aspect of this book.  I almost forgot about that part to be honest, though once it happened it all came rushing back to me. 

For any JLA fan out there that hasn't picked up this book, you definitely need to!  Along with every other single book she has written!

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Review: The Hotel Manager by C. Hallman

The Hotel Manager The Hotel Manager by C. Hallman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great story!  I was immediately ensnared by the story line and read it so quickly to see how things progressed with Mason and Teagan, negate those two are as opposite as you can find.  I thought Teagan was a bit odd at times though.  One minute she's about to throw up and the next she's a flirty vixen.  It was a bit hard to keep up on her personality. 

But I enjoyed grumpy Mason.  He really tried to keep away from Teagan's interesting personality, but he failed miserably.  And seeing him almost scared to leave the hotel was surprising to me. 

I'm glad I dived into this book! I might see about the rest of the series and what the next over arching mystery will bring. 

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Review: His Burning Desire by Valerie Twombly

His Burning Desire His Burning Desire by Valerie Twombly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love the idea of dragons as firefighters!!  Even though these dragon don't breathe fire, I just love this idea and when I dived into book 1, I instantly loved the characters and the premise of the story.  I think the only thing I would love more is if the book was longer so we could get more time with Connor and Jenna, because the intensity between these two was off the charts!

I'm glad they finally told each other how they feel toward one another - after 300 years!!  Yeesh, talk about a slow burn romance, huh?  

I'm excited to read the rest of the series and see which other dragons will find their mates - so glad I discovered this author and will get to meet her in July!

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Review: Daughter of Dragons by A.J. Flowers

Daughter of Dragons Daughter of Dragons by A.J. Flowers
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Dragons are my favorite right now so I was so excited to dive into this book.  But I found I had a hard time keeping up with the story.  There were chapters I had no idea what was going on and I felt a bit lost.  Maybe because it was through Lily's point of view and everyone was deceiving her and keeping her in the dark?  I think I liked James the most but again he was keeping so much under his sleeve that I'm not sure if I liked him. 

So sad to say this book wasn't for me.  And as much as I want to read the next part, it's done in episodes and isn't finished yet?  That just annoys me and makes me think the author is out for extra money.  I'm sure there are tons of readers out there that like that system, but it's just not for me. 

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Review: Double Pucked by Lauren Blakely

Double Pucked Double Pucked by Lauren Blakely
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I haven't read a hockey book in awhile and it's been even longer since I read a MFM novel.  And I liked seeing Trina become more confident in herself through this book, though I don't believe she needed Chase or Ryker to get there.  Though Trina was a bit all over the place, demanding things one second and being shy the next. It was always a toss up which Trina we were doing to get. 

I liked that Chase was a dog person and loved Nacho.  But he was a bit much to keep up with honestly.  And even though Ryker was moody and grumpy, he was my favorite.  I loved that he went to the bookstore and library. 

So this was an okay novel for me. It was a quick read and a HEA.

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Review: Cowboy Seeking Nanny by Janice M. Whiteaker

Cowboy Seeking Nanny Cowboy Seeking Nanny by Janice M. Whiteaker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great nanny, single parent story. I love how determined Clara is to give Wyatt a better life than with his POS father. And he's such an amazing kid, Clara raised him so well.

Brody. I loved watching him fall first. Once he made up his mind that he wanted Clara there really wasn't a fighting chance for that girl. But he knew the pace he needed to take in order to not scare her off. And also seeing him with his two girls is adorable, but seeing him with Wyatt was so sweet.

This was a great story that I devoured and I'm glad I grabbed it randomly on sale! 

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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Review: My Way To You by J. Glassburn

My Way To You My Way To You by J. Glassburn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a recommendation from a friend who knows the author and I was a bit scared I wasnt going to enjoy this book. For a disclaimer to readers, this book deals heavily with cheating. This subject is a bit triggering to me so in case other readers are like that, I wanted to put it out there. 

Because of the way this book ended, I was able to look back on the events of this book with a higher standard. I'm glad Abby had the self respect to put her own needs first. I did the same in my situation and am a much better person for it. It takes so much strength to make that choice and I feel like we know what we are worth after everything is said and done. 

Sawyer is a great character and I'm glad he was there to help Abby through her ordeal. He helped make her love herself again and that is no easy feat after you've been through that trauma. I didn't like seeing him get heartbroken but he's an amazing person. 

I'm really glad I enjoyed this book and that I was able to read it. It means I'm in the road to healing and moving on from my past traumas. It also made me reflect on my experience and all of the accomplishments I've done in less than a year. It also shows that things will get better in time. 

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Review: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has been on my to read for the longest time and I finally picked it up to read a banned book for my summer reading challenge.  And I am glad I finally read it.  Junior was extremely brave to decide to go to a school off the rez.  A 14 year old boy did what almost no one does in his town: leave.  Sure he came back every night, but his first true step to change his life started the day he changed schools and I'm sure he went off to do amazing things.  I also hope he inspired other students at the rez to change their life. 

This book is short but very impactful and I'm really glad I decide to finally read it. 

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Review: Bride by Ali Hazelwood

Bride Bride by Ali Hazelwood
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The hype this book has is crazy so I came into it with high expectations.  This is also the first Ali Hazelwood I've read, so I was going on blind with her writing style.  And overall I enjoyed it.  It wasn't the best book I've read.  I kinda got tired of being in Misery's head the whole time.  She definitely grew on me the longer she was with the Weres, but at the beginning she was definitely robotic and it was hard to connect with her. 

I love her dedication to finding Serena and the way she talked and acted with Ana? Literally had me cackling.  Talking to a six year old that way, it was hilarious.  And I like how Misery was very into technology and used her powers for selfish reasons.

Lowe is an interesting character.  He has so much honor and respect for everyone around him.  But I didn't like his secrets and his lying, no matter if he thought he was in the right.  I could see what was happening and wanted to tell Misery what was going on so bad. 

Also?  Misery's name?  Shame on who named her.  Honestly.  I would have legally changed my name once I became an adult. 

So I'm glad I read this.  It was a good story, but thankfully not something I need to own.  I am intrigued to see if a spin off novel happens with Serena and Koen.  That was a nice twist at the end! 

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Review: Taste by Melanie Harlow

Taste Taste by Melanie Harlow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Reading Gianni and Ellies story was as wild as I knew it would be!  I knew these two grew up with each other and had this "hate" towards each other, which really means Gianni was a terrible flirt and made Ellie's life miserable with taunts and teases.  But when they got snowed in?  That tension?  So great to see that unleashed finally. 

Of course they both made claims they didn't mean and kept their true feelings to themselves because it's fears.  But seeing then finally raise what they really want and truly opening up to each other was great to see. 

Also I think my favorite part is when Chip came to the rescue at the very end of the book... if you know, you know, ha!

I'm glad I decided to dive into these two books in this series.  Maybe one day I'll go grab the other books in the series to catch up on the rest of the family! 

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Review: The Ever King by L.J. Andrews

The Ever King The Ever King by L.J. Andrews
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an interesting book.  I did enjoy it, but it took a long time for me to get into the groove of things and by that time, I was just meh about it overall.  I liked the premise and I liked that Livia had to go onto a pirate ship to another realm and then she found her true self instead of the pampered princess she has been her whole life.  I love that she befriended Erik when he was a child and then grew to love him as the gruesome pirate he became. 

But I think what my nonchalance is that I felt thrust into this world with little background.  I know it's a spin off series of another one and it's said I can just read this without the prior series, but I think that's untrue as I'm left just not caring about the world.  There were some parts that were overly explained and other parts that were not detailed enough to keep my brain to understand.  

And this book does end on a cliffhanger about a possible brother of Erik's, and..... I just don't care to find out?  I'm never like that, which means I definitely wasn't as engaged into this story as much as I normally am.  I am glad I read it to discover it wasn't for me, so any special editions that come out won't tempt me.  I just wish I loved it as much as other readers did and I'm glad I'm in the minority when it comes to not loving this that much. 

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Review: Ignite by Melanie Harlow

Ignite Ignite by Melanie Harlow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was so easy to devour!  I love Winnie.  Her personality is so fun and light and she is such a sweetheart to be around.  Dex stood no chance against her and I loved seeing him fall more and more for her.  She dug herself so far under his skin, it was wonderful to see!

Luna and Hallie are the sweetest things ever and I loved how they were constantly waking up Dex at ridiculous times, haha.  And all of their questions and just being kids. It was adorable.  Dex is surrounded by girls and is always caving into them, even though he acts like a grumpy.
Dex has some issues he's wishing it which causes a lot of frustration and annoyances.  Thank goodness he had these females in his life to straighten him up. 

I'm so glad I decided to finally read this book and I see I have Ellies book on my kindle already so I'm driving into that one next! 

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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Review: Reckless Abandon by Ashley Cade

Reckless Abandon Reckless Abandon by Ashley Cade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was just the rom com I needed in my life to take a break from the fantasy books I've been reading.  I kept forgetting over and over that Brynlee and Macon were still college students when their lives were so full of grown up events.  I loved that they found each other and finally got to the point where they confessed their true feelings rather than just being friends.  Seeing them blossom into a relationship was so sweet and I loved that they were honest with each other for everything.  I'm also glad Sean made a reappearance in this book before things got too intense between Brynlee and Macon so that Bryn really knew how she felt rather than floundering with her feelings between the two guys.  I'm glad I got the chance to read this book!

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Review: Broken Desires by R.G. Angel

Broken Desires Broken Desires by R.G. Angel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review. 

While this book, along with the 2 before, go through the same time frame at the beginning, I found myself surprised by so many things in Liam and Vanessa's story and was quite stunned and happy with these new revelations!! I love being able to get Liam and Nessa's story finally and it really did not disappoint in the slightest. I think these two are my favorite, just the way they were around each other, how they connected, how they helped each other in their adventures. It really was an amazing story and I know I won't stop thinking about it any time soon!

Vanessa's family is awful and I'm so glad Nessa was able to get out of that environment and find a new family with Eva and Poppy. She is such an amazing person and I loved seeing her share her love and passion with the ones around her. 

But Liam? LIAM?? I cannot deal with how much I love this man. I don't think I've been this enamoured with a character in such a long time and I loved him so much. The way he treated her family? Fantastic! His secrets? Never saw them coming. But his dedication and love for Nessa? Swoon for eternity, I'm not kidding. I need my own Liam ASAP please!

I'm so glad I got the chance to not only read this book but this whole series! It's one of my favorites and I know I will be revisiting these characters over and over again to see their stories unfold again. 

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