Friday, June 14, 2024

Review: Frigid by J. Lynn (Jennifer L. Armentrout)

Frigid Frigid by J. Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I desperately needed a JLA reread and Frigid was the first book to pop in my head.  I'm so glad I reread this again and was with Kyler and Sydney.  Just something about this book and this setting really fills a hole inside of me!  

I don't normally like friends to lovers because of the angst and the "I can't ruin my friendship" mindset, which these two have in spades, but thankfully this book doesn't focus on TOO much.  And I love that Sydney decided to make the first move and tell Kyler how she felt, even though she messed it up quite a bit and got Kyler mad. 

I also love the mystery aspect of this book.  I almost forgot about that part to be honest, though once it happened it all came rushing back to me. 

For any JLA fan out there that hasn't picked up this book, you definitely need to!  Along with every other single book she has written!

View all my reviews

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