Monday, June 10, 2024

Review: Double Pucked by Lauren Blakely

Double Pucked Double Pucked by Lauren Blakely
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I haven't read a hockey book in awhile and it's been even longer since I read a MFM novel.  And I liked seeing Trina become more confident in herself through this book, though I don't believe she needed Chase or Ryker to get there.  Though Trina was a bit all over the place, demanding things one second and being shy the next. It was always a toss up which Trina we were doing to get. 

I liked that Chase was a dog person and loved Nacho.  But he was a bit much to keep up with honestly.  And even though Ryker was moody and grumpy, he was my favorite.  I loved that he went to the bookstore and library. 

So this was an okay novel for me. It was a quick read and a HEA.

View all my reviews

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