Sunday, June 2, 2024

Review: Reckless Abandon by Ashley Cade

Reckless Abandon Reckless Abandon by Ashley Cade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was just the rom com I needed in my life to take a break from the fantasy books I've been reading.  I kept forgetting over and over that Brynlee and Macon were still college students when their lives were so full of grown up events.  I loved that they found each other and finally got to the point where they confessed their true feelings rather than just being friends.  Seeing them blossom into a relationship was so sweet and I loved that they were honest with each other for everything.  I'm also glad Sean made a reappearance in this book before things got too intense between Brynlee and Macon so that Bryn really knew how she felt rather than floundering with her feelings between the two guys.  I'm glad I got the chance to read this book!

View all my reviews

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