Thursday, June 13, 2024

Review: The Hotel Manager by C. Hallman

The Hotel Manager The Hotel Manager by C. Hallman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great story!  I was immediately ensnared by the story line and read it so quickly to see how things progressed with Mason and Teagan, negate those two are as opposite as you can find.  I thought Teagan was a bit odd at times though.  One minute she's about to throw up and the next she's a flirty vixen.  It was a bit hard to keep up on her personality. 

But I enjoyed grumpy Mason.  He really tried to keep away from Teagan's interesting personality, but he failed miserably.  And seeing him almost scared to leave the hotel was surprising to me. 

I'm glad I dived into this book! I might see about the rest of the series and what the next over arching mystery will bring. 

View all my reviews

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