Thursday, June 27, 2024

Review: Scrivens by Kathryn Moon

Scrivens Scrivens by Kathryn Moon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Seeing Joanna get to know her family in this book was sweet. But it felt like she was torn between her coven and her family at times and that she needs a better balance. Plus some of the Scriveners are definitely abusing their magic which was disgusting.

I love that Joanna's magic is so powerful. She is definitely a wordsmith and can create the strongest message and I love seeing that occur. I don't think she understands how strong she is, which would be a bad thing is she wasnt Joanna. I don't think she could intentionally hurt anyone, even though she was tempted in this book.

Very intrigued to see how the last book goes and hopefully this coven can get a break on the craziness that has happened since Joanna joined!

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