Thursday, June 20, 2024

Review: Eyes Turned Skyward by Rebecca Yarros

Eyes Turned Skyward Eyes Turned Skyward by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Getting Jaggers story was amazing.  I'm not sure how I saw him falling for a girl after the playmaker he was in book 1, but he was a whole different person this time around.  Getting into flight school really made him focus on his life and then saving Paisley's life have him the drive he needed to get serious about everything.  I loved seeing this version of him.  I also loved how over confident he was in flight school against Will Carter (I'm using his whole name since he was referred to by so many versions in this book).

Also I love the fact that Paisley is going to school in library sciences as that is what I got my degree in!  Not many books about those majors so it warms my heart. 

But my heart does break for Paisley.  She's in this bubble with everyone around her and no one will treat her like she's her own person.  The amount of conversations she tries to have with her mom and Will frustrate me and make me so sad for her.  They need to understand that they can be scared but they can't control her decisions.  I'm so glad she started to stick up for herself and that she had Jagger.  Though her keeping this giant secret from him was so wrong because he should have had the knowledge that something could happen.  I'm not sure if he would have done those things with her, but he needed to know what could happen to be better prepared.  That was extremely wrong of her.  His secret wasn't a life threatening secret so she couldn't even use that in her favor. 

I'm so glad I reread this and revisited these characters.  I'm extremely glad I didn't cry during this one, but I'm sure Rebecca Yarros will make up for that in the next book lol.

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