Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Review: Written by Kathryn Moon

Written Written by Kathryn Moon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book about a librarian? Yes, please! Joanna's pure reaction to the new library she is working at is my reaction every time I go to a library. I loved seeing her amazement and excitement because I know exactly how all of those moments feel. 

Callus, Aiden and Issac's reactions towards Joanna was so great. They all were instantly drawn to her and they wanted to protect her and be with her at all times. What girl would say no to that? 

I love how Joanna's magic was finally revealed to her and that it is such a Joanna moment. To write her magic and it comes true. I need that bit of magic into my life haha.

With both covens defeating The Hollow, I loved the action and the struggle they all went through for their success. And that even though the guys wanted to protect Joanna, she was essential to their success and they stopped coddling her by the end. 

I definitely enjoyed this story and I'm excited to continue the series with the next book

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