Monday, June 17, 2024

Review: Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne

Midnight Whispers Midnight Whispers by P. Rayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this free eARC novel from the author.  This is my honest review. 

This series - I honestly can't say enough how much I am enjoying P Rayne's novels and how intense they get!  This series full of dark fairy tales is wonderful and I love each new character couple we are introduced to. 

Nero and Cinder are amazing together, but the secrets they are both hiding from do come between them fairly frequently.  I love how determined Cinder is to go out on her own and stop being bullied by her step-family.  I also love how she's not ashamed about her jobs but actually blossoms from them because it brings some joy to her life.  She took a tense situation and made it hers and I love that so much.

Nero is definitely not as dark and moody and grumpy as his other brothers, and that was the biggest surprise for me honestly ha.  These Voss brothers are known for their...attitudes, but having Nero be not as dark was fantastic.  I also love the intense way he focuses on Cinder throughout the book!

I really loved seeing these two work through their secrets and figure out their feelings.  I'm excited for Obsidian's story next, but will also be sad that it will be the last one in the series!

View all my reviews

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