My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Wow... This book... I'm literally stunned right now.
Half way through this book, no even 3/4 of the way through this book I was at a blah moment with this novel. Seriously, I thought, this is, at best, 2 stars.
But then the moment where the secret is revealed, the lie has been uncovered, this book became an amazing novel. It all clicked into place and now I'm debating whether it should be more than 4 stars.
I was not interested in this book because I couldn't find any specific information about it. The synopsis is so bland and I really wanted to know what I was reading about before reading. And I really had to stick through it, but I'm so glad I made it to the end. I was seriously stunned when the truth came out. I even got goosebumps!
E. Lockhart did a FANTASTIC job with this - she definitely deserved the award she received. I will now try not to judge a book by it's synopsis and always give a novel it's fair share of time to wow me.
Because this novel was in the high factor of wow-ness. So glad I was forced to read this by my co-worker! I will definitely remember this stunning novel from a talented author!
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