My rating: 1 of 5 stars
I received this free eARC from Edelweiss in exchange for my honest review.
I got through this whole book, and I have no idea what really happened throughout the story... At about 50% I wanted to give up, hoping that the ending would make sense of everything I was confused about during the novel, but it just made it 10 times worse.
I'm not sure why I didn't get this story. Maybe it was the music? The author gets very detailed with the music, so if you are a music lover (which I am not) maybe this novel will make sense to you more than it did me.
But even the characters threw me for a loop. I did not understand Ramona at all. She was everywhere, not just physically but mentally she jumped from one random thing to another in a blink of an eye. I do that as well, but mine is more structured than hers. Plus she was so odd about what she was talking about it was like she was speaking a different language.
Tom is just interesting in a way that I think I will never understand, which I'm okay with. And Sam is more of a follower with Ramona and Tom I think, but he definitely took charge when it came to his future, which I appreciated.
So yeah, I did not enjoy this novel one bit. I just couldn't get into it and started skimming pages just to get to the end to see if anything made sense, which it didn't. I hope other readers will like this novel but it definitely was not meant for me.
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