My rating: 3 of 5 stars
After a brutal car accident, Easton finds his life in shambles. His girlfriend has amnesia and can't remember the last 3 years of her life - including the last few months with Easton - and his younger brother is in a coma and doesn't seem to be waking up soon. He is torn between wanting to be with Hartley to help her remember who she is and how much they care about each other, and having to be the adult and older brother taking care of his twin brothers.
Hartley is so confused. Everyone is telling her one thing or another, and she doesn't know what to believe. She is just trying to survive living at home and at school, but it seems that everyone has a vendetta against her, and she doesn't know why. But the more she learns about herself, the more she realizes that things are worse than she thought. The only person who really seems like they know her is Easton Royal, but she can't believe that she would be associated with Easton - with his reputation and all.
After finding out that both of their families are in danger, Hartley and Easton decide to take matters in their own hands to fix the situation. But it becomes more dangerous than they thought, and their lives could be at risk.
I feel like a terrible person... I gave this book THREE STARS!!!! :( I haven't given a 3 star rating to a book in this series because I love it so much, but I just didn't feel it as much as the other books...
Easton had to grow up fast and hard in this book, which I totally get, but it also changed his personality in the end, which is what I love about him the most. So losing that was losing a part of Easton for me.
And Hartley. Man, amnesia is terrible, but the way she let everyone walk all over her was terrible and broke my heart. She is such a strong character, and to see her put down by the snobby people in her life was just wrong. Thankfully she had a couple of moments where she put people back into place and shame them for being a bully, but it just wasn't the same.
I dunno, this book wasn't as much as I hoped it would be. It was rushed, it was full of information, it had too much going on with multiple characters and the reader didn't really get a book "this is the conclusion of the Royal family". Too many loose ends, to many questions at the end. I really want another book to talk about the issues that happened in this book and give me a warm fuzzy ending where everyone is happy with their lives. Because I can tell you this - the twins aren't happy. And we don't get to find out what happens with them, which makes me mad.
Overall, it was a good story, but it could have been better. I'm hoping that Erin Watt lied and will eventually give us more Royal books in the future - I'm willing to wait as long as necessary to get my happily ever after - for good.
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