My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book seems to be very popular so I decided to read it and find out what it was all about. At the beginning, I honestly wasn't that impressed. It just felt like a mash-up of The Hunger Games and Divergent. But around 50%, I'm not sure what happened but I started to get more entranced into the story. And after finishing, I really want to see what book 2 brings.
Paedyn is an amazing FMC. She's so confident and resourceful. Being an Ordinary in an Elite driven world. Being able to take care of herself when she was a kid and homeless after finding her father dead in her home? With no powers to rely on? Just her self defense and the "psychic" ability she attuned herself to learn? That takes amazing skill and determination. Because I wouldn't have had it in me to fight that long and that hard, not gonna lie.
I loved seeing Pae open up to Kai and Kitt on different levels. She wasn't faking all of those moments. She was finally getting a chance to open herself a little bit. Not all because being Ordinary would have meant she would die. I, of course, am Team Kai. Malakai. Swoon. The moments between those two were fantastic and I just kept wanting more. Kitt, I feel for after Pae's betrayal. He went from carefree and sweet to hard and cold. I hope he finds out everything his father did to Pae specifically and can learn not to hate her for killing the king, his father. But considering the king had PAE's father murdered? Karma's a bitch.
Adena? That was awful how she was tortured. Killed. All because she knew Pae. The king was cruel and nasty and I'm glad he's dead. I'm sad no one is on Paedyn's side right now because she wasn't in the wrong and I need people to realize this. She ridded the world of an evil man and I'm glad.
So now I'm here in agony having to wait for the next book. I thought I was in the clear but then got ensnared by this storyline and I need to know what happens next. What will Kai do when he sees Paedyn again? How will she sway him that she had to do it? That being Ordinary isn't a crime? I need this information haha.
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