My rating: 5 of 5 stars
May 28th review:
I legit just did a reread of this book 20 days later. I almost NEVER reread a book but to cave into temptation in 20 days? I have so many other things to read, but instead I'm reading a book that I can't help but devour.
I'm glad I did the reread because I caught many things that I either missed or I caught new things based on my knowledge of how evening pans out. I still laughed, gasped, cried over certain scenes even though I knew they were coming.
Like everyone else, I can't wait until November and honestly wonder how many more rereads I'm going to do before then.
READ THIS BOOK! It's amazing!
May 8th review:
I saw the hype for this book everywhere and I saw MANY of my all time, auto buy authors RAVING about this story. So my expectations were set at an all time high.
I was 1,000% not disappointed!! I legit read this book in 12 hours. In one day I started and finished this book, and while I consumed it, I knew I was going to be devastated when I finished. Well, here I am devastated but also extremely happy.
Also? THERE WILL BE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW. For once I didn't read an early copy so I can say whatever I want and I'm oh so going to lol.
Violet. VIOLET! I need to be her friend. She is fantastic person. So super smart, I love that she wanted to be a scribe and be surrounded by books. And her ability to retain information is amazing! Makes her the dangerous student in her school. And her the brilliant plan she came up with for each of her sparring sessions made me jump up and down with joy.
Xaden. I loved him the second he learned Violets name and threatened her life. The tension between them was instantaneous and it was always sizzling between them with every encounter. For them to have waited so long to cave in to their attraction was agonizing but so worth it. Though he's really put himself into a deep hole by the end of this book. I'm really really going to enjoy seeing him pull out all the bells and whistles to gain Violets trust again. I know it's going to be even more intense I bet.
I honestly despise her mother. I cannot believe she is willing to risk another child, especially considering Violet had only been training for 6 months. All because of their name and image. I would have had a few choice words for her. And then later when Violet proved herself to her mother's standards? AND HER MOTHER IGNORED HER??? Hell no. No. No. No.
Another person I hate? Dain. That spineless weasel, I can't stand him. I need to be Violets friend so I can punch him and break his nose, I swear. He's only out for himself. One minute he's lecturing Violet, telling her what to do, acting like she's not 20 years old, the next he's celebrating the exact thing he was scolding her about and acting like he was responsible for it. Just because he realized that he can be associated with her and her some fame from it or something. And his "the rules say...." oh just shove it, Dain.
The amount of people after Violet in this book
is insane and that girl has so much luck on her side.
Also? I loved how many people died in this book. Do not get attached to many of these characters because they drop like flies.
The dragons. THE DRAGONS!!! I freaking love them. Every single second a dragon is on these pages I'm in love. Especially Tarin - he's hilarious and I love his and Violets banter!
The revolution happening is going to get crazy in the upcoming books. I'm not the biggest fan of those but I'll suffer through it to continue loving these characters.
Now, the biggest spoiler because I need to remember for book 2. So, you know, don't read of you don't want spoilers...
I CAN'T BELIEVE BRENNAN IS STILL ALIVE!!!!!!! How did he fake his death with his mother?? Does she know? Is her mother in the dark? How mad is Violet going to be?? Her father died from his death basically and Violet loved her father. Also? This is not going to go well with Xaden keeping this from her and HE BETTER TELL HER EVERY FREAKING SECRET IN HIS LIFE!!!!! If he messed up what they have forever and she moves on to someone else I'll never forgive him.
So suffice to say, this book has me obsessed and I'm about to own 4 copies - at least! The hype is worth it. I'm telling everyone to read it. And I can't wait for more!
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