My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The end... This is the end of the series. I feel...sad and happy all at the same time. There is a lot of different emotions going on right now.
Nan is the "villain" of this series. Everyone knows that she is the most hated character out of the bunch - no matter what other character tried to be the "bad" character. So of course, there is a lot of different opinions going around about Nan getting her own story. I didn't like her too much, but I was very curious about who in the world she hadn't been with yet, and who would be able to match her personality to love her with all of his heart.
Major is a sweetheart, but he is a complete man whore. He really likes Nan, but is keeping his options open by telling Nan that he doesn't want to be exclusively with her. Basically he likes pretty girls and he wants to have his options open for any available females who like what they see when they look at him.
So when Major doesn't reply to Nan and she knows he's with another girl, she decides that she needs a trip away and ignore Major when he wants to crawl back into her bed. He is hurting her too many times for her to be okay with, and she needs to do herself rather than pine for Major. Give him a taste of her own medicine.
Nan is at a club when she sees the mysterious stranger. They dance. They grab drinks together. His name is Gannon and Nan is so entranced by his darkness and mysteriousness, but also how gorgeous he is. Nan has never been with a rougher looking guy - usually she is all about the pretty boys like Major. But Gannon has snared her attention and she can't get him out of her head. And especially not after having intense interactions with him that she never in her wildest dreams thought she'd be into.
Gannon knows how to tame Nan and knows just what she wants in everything.
But Major realizes that he is losing Nan and wants a second chance. Now he is doing everything in his power to make her understand that he wants a commitment and be only with Nan.
Nan needs to decide who she wants more - Major who she thought she loved 2 weeks ago and is everything she's ever looked for in a guy, or Gannon, the mysterious stranger she met, but feels a deep connection with.
Before she can make her final decision, though, both Major and Gannon have a deep secret that they are hiding from Nan, and once that secret is unveiled, Nan will have to decide who to trust and keep forever.
I have to say, even though Nan is the nasty person that she is, I was rooting for her to find her happy ending with the one. And I will admit, I did have a guy I wanted her to be with between Gannon and Major - and that was Gannon. He just got her. He understood her so much more than Major ever did. Even though he was keeping a lot of secrets from her and had a completely different life than what Nan was aware of, in my opinion, he was a better fit for Nan.
And the sexy scenes between Gannon and Nan...wowweee!
There was definitely some mystery involved in this novel and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I really liked Nan's story. It wasn't the all time best book out of the whole series, but Abbi Glines found a way to make most of her readers accept Nan's story and root for her happy ending.
I'm so glad that I read this novel and finally finished the series. I'm excited to see the characters pop up from time to time in the spin off novel "Like a Memory" and what they have been up to during these years away.
I am definitely recommending this series to everyone I know! :)
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