My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Ah, JLA. I really loved this book, not that it's a surprise looking at who the author is. I've been very curious about Nick since we first met him, and I'm so glad he got his own story because it was such a difference seeing him through Stephanie's eyes than the eyes of "outsiders" of his circle.
And the way Nick stepped it up when he was presented with a situation was amazing. Finding out how his family life is heart wrenching. I seriously want to fight Stephanie over him because I fell in love with him during this novel.
Stephanie is a spit fire. When she confronted Nick about the way he acted when she came into the bar the second time was priceless and I was as giddy with anticipation as Jax and Reece and Roxy! Seeing her dish out all that she had on him and putting him on his behind was hysterical and I definitely laughed out loud.
I loved seeing all of the characters come into play in this novel. Especially the ending - it was the best.
I cannot wait for the next book in the series - Brock's book! Yay! After reading this novel, I'm 99% sure who he's going to be with, but I'm super excited to see what is going to happen after the unfortunate events that occurred for him in this novel.
JLA is awesome. She's my hero. And she's a superhero who writes kick ass novels and keeps me happy with her awesome stories. I know she is taking a break (because she's been a machine and her magic fingers are sore from all of the books she's wrote in the last 3 years) which makes me sad, but if I start to miss her, I'll just start re-reading all of her books, since I own every single one of them :)
Thank you for all of your hard, amazing-writing work! Looking forward to more when they get here!
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