My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow. This book...it is so intense.
I'm not doing my typical synopsis of the book, and then my thoughts/comments. This book just needs to be read to be able to understand the depth of the story and to fully understand how raw this book is.
I love Colleen Hoover and everything she has written. And this book? The fact that it was based on aspects of her life and she was brave enough to write about it in a way to make all readers comprehend and completely understand how this event changes everyone's lives - whether it be the people causing the issue or the ones who witnessed it - is so amazing.
I could never in a million years know what Lily was feeling during this novel. I say that I would be the strong one, the one that wouldn't fall into the statistics, but I will never know until I am in that situation - which I hope to Hell that I never am. And for her to go through that feeling twice in her life, through 2 different viewpoints of it? It's so sad and gut wrenching.
Ryle and Atlas are both great guys for completely different reasons. I loved being able to read about Lily and Ryle's relationship as it was happening, and I loved reading Lily and Atlas's relationship through the letters Lily wrote when she was 15-16. Both loves of Lily's life were necessary, even if many would disagree with this sentence. Lily became the great person she did because of these two men that she fell in love with and the experiences she went through with each of them.
I am so, so, so mad that it took me this long to read this book. Seriously, I had no excuse because it's been on my personal bookshelf at my home since the day it was released into the world.
But honestly? I'm glad I decided to wait and really get connected with this book - to really feel what I needed to feel. And waiting a couple of years to ensure that I'm more mature and older, to really understand the consequences of decisions and to better know myself, was worth it. I have never gone through this event - not really - but being able to understand how I would have acted during this helps me feel the raw, bitterness of this story.
If you are like me and have been wanting to read this, but haven't gotten around to it, I would highly recommending opening up the book and start reading. Because it won't take long to get sucked into this story, and then you will be hooked until the very end.
Colleen Hoover is a goddess of writing, and I have 2 more of her novels sitting unread on my shelf that I will find and start reading soon to make up for my stupidness of leaving her books hanging.
Such a great, great novel.
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