My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This series. It was certainly a ride for me, but I honestly think this book, #3, hit it out of the park. We weren't getting 5 million twists and turns (though there are some still in here, don't you worry) and Kiva was, for the most part, kept up to date with the information so she wasn't stuck in the dark where she's been placed for this whole trilogy.
Her and Jaren? I had so many mixed, roller coaster of emotions that I went through, I'm a bit mentally drained from it, not gonna lie. I get where he was coming from, but he SAW how much it was destroying Kiva. And for him to say some of those things to her? When she literally shut down before meeting the psychic, I was honestly so worried for her. And you can tell Jaren knew he went too far, but once you put someone down like that, getting their true self back is really hard to do. I'm glad they were able to finally talk like they should have, but it was way too late for that conversation and to really understand where the other person was coming from.
Tipp, Cresta, Caldon? Gosh, I love those three so much. Cresta was a surprise since she was such a nasty person in book 1. But for her to help Kiva tremendously through her issues back in the prison, that's what really stuck with me. And then she just never left and her crude humor was fantastic for me.
Tipp? When he finally forgave Kiva after the Spartan-like battle? I legit almost sobbed - there were definitely tears in my past over that. Gosh, I get so attached to these characters.
So while this series as a whole was harder for me, I'm glad I got through it all and got to the end because it was pretty amazing wrapped up as a whole. I'm definitely a Medoran Chronicles girl through and through, but now I can know what other people are raving about when they talk about the Prison Healer series.
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