My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I... this series is hard for me, I'm coming to find out. I think that Lynette Noni is a brilliant writer who has weaved a magical, mysterious world in this series, but boy are there just a bit too many twists and turns. It seems to be Neverending and it's not all staying straight in my head, even though I'm actually reading these books pretty slowly.
Kiva is learning who she is more and more through this book, but she's so far in the dark with her family she's back in the Abyss. Is not fair to put a girl in the middle of a war when she was trapped in a prison for more than half her life.
I will say, her telling her siblings the secrets to overthrow the throne? Bad move Kiva. I don't care what she thought, don't tell the rebel leaders the secret, no matter how "impossible" it seems to be.
Her sister is a piece of work. I hope she's sent to the prison she feared as a child for the rest of her life.
Jaren? His magic? I feel like there's a way to fix this, but fixing his trust in Kiva will be next to impossible. Especially how Kiva's sister made everything sound.
I'm very glad I'm reading this series back to back rather than having to wait for a new release. Cause as curious as I am on how things get fixed, I'm losing steam quickly. BUT, off to book 3 to I'm sure a happily ever after, with another billion twists and turns in the process.
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