My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I received this free eARC novel from the author and Red Coat Publishing in exchange for my honest review.
Jax and Jace are twins who have just moved into the town closest to their cabin. They were living just fine on their own until a couple of guys broke into the house and traumatized Jax. Then Jace decided that they weren't that safe there, and moved them to the strict rules of the town, which Jax hates. Sure Jace can do whatever he wants because he's a boy, but as a girl Jax is supposed to act a certain way and be prepared and happy to be matched off with a mate when she turns 18.
That's not her cup of tea.
When she escapes from the guarded wall to go find Jace, who is out hunting, Jax never thought that she would witness a spaceship land from the city. Or that Jace would be taken with the aliens, and an alien would be left behind.
Now Jax has no alternative but to work with the alien, Lir, in order to get her brother back. He is the only family she has, and he has been her rock through all of these years. Even though she doesn't trust Lir, she has to trust that he wants them same thing as she does: to get back to the city. And he doesn't seem to know very much about wilderness stuff, so Jax has some leverage over him so he can't really leave her alone to try to break into the city.
The longer they spend time together, though, the more Jax thinks that maybe she can trust Lir. That maybe there is more between them then there should be. Because she tends to think about him a lot, and not in the hatred kind of way she did when she first met him.
They both get into so many jams along the way through their journey, such as a bear rummaging through their camping supplies, a rattle snake bite and poisoning, townsmen trying to capture them for their own gain, and Jax getting matched with the most unlikely person.
But Jax is determined to find Jace. She just hopes that she will get their in time before it's too late.
I love alien novels, so I was super excited to get this as an eARC. But something was off for me. I don't know if it was Jax and Lir's friendship/relationship or how stiff the writing was, but I felt like something was off for me. Jax was always, ALWAYS repeating the same stuff over and over again that it was driving me nuts. And the background information for how the aliens came to Earth wasn't fully explained, so it left the reader wondering about a lot of details.
And poor Jax and Lir. They did not have the best of times when they were traveling to the city. In fact, they never caught it break. It was like they weren't meant to go there, and everything in it's power was trying to stop both of them. At some point I might have given up myself, to be honest.
Lir kept way too many secrets from Jax, and that hurt them in the end. If only he would have opened up more and told her things, Jax would have understood and could have played along to get better results, but instead he messed everything up. And Lir is way too trusting of everyone in his life, which might be a good thing in a different world, but the world that he lives in? No. Just no.
And Jax was not trusting enough and didn't give someone the benefit of the doubt when they needed it, which made everything take 3 times longer to get through because she wouldn't just trust them a little and had to make them prove it.
These two together was a bit of a nightmare to be honest. And the whole love interest between them? Felt a bit too forced for my liking. And there was so many mood swings between the two of them that I would have rather they traveled separately so I wasn't whipped around so much.
Overall, it was an okay novel for me. I don't think I'll attempt to read the other books in the series because I might get more frustrated, but it was a good novel to keep me entertained and in a different world. I think fans of supernatural/science fiction will enjoy this novel by Theresa Kay!
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