My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I received this eARC novel from Edelweiss. This is my honest review.
Jess is sneaking into the all guys school to get a jersey from one of the Knights - who wrongfully used her best friend Farren last year - because they are going to get them back this year. After much hunting, with a killer hangover, Jess finally found one, but she also found a boy with it in the laundry room.
Said boy was grumpy, moody and just plain rude, Jess thought. What she didn't realize was that she was going to see this boy, Mitch, throughout the next year with much anticipation.
What started off as a tense first meeting, turned into an informative second meeting, and then a sexual tension third meeting. After that, both Jess and Mitch were hooked on each other. They didn't have a typical relationship, though, and since Jess announced that no Uni girl was to get together with a Knight guy, she was keeping their "meetings" on the downlow.
The more Jess and Mitch learn about each other, the more they realize they could really be something together. But with Jess's feministic outlook in life and Mitch's past that he forbids to talk about, they may ruin a good thing before it actually begins.
This was a good book! Similar to most New Adult novels, but different in a way as well. Jess isn't a really likable girl, for me, but she is definitely outspoken and says what she means, rather than letting secrets bottle up until she explodes.
I don't really agree with the way she was going to fix the Knight/Uni situation at the beginning of the year, but I do have to give her props for doing SOMETHING about rather than letting it get ignored and making the Knights think it was okay.
Mitch was...something else... If he would have said to me, "I want to touch you" I probably would have been majorly freaked out haha. It just sounds like a creepy statement to me.
But I do have to admit that they were each other's perfect match because they were always debating with each other. And Jess pushed Mitch's buttons just as much as he pushed hers so it was an equally matched relationship they had going there.
I'm glad that I got a chance to read this and I think readers will really enjoy this typical but not normal New Adult novel!
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