My rating: 3 of 5 stars
After Claire gets dumped by her boyfriend of 4 years, she decides that she is going to be single for awhile. She even makes a pact with one of her friends at college. And Claire is set on her goal, until Will comes around and he seems interested in her as more than friends...
Will has been crushing on Claire since the moment he met her freshman year. But since both he and Claire were dating other people, he knew nothing was going to happen.
Then Claire became single and he thought it might be his chance with her. After Claire made her declaration of single life, he saw his chance come crashing down. And to add to that, he thinks he may be getting the friendzone status. It may be better than the rebound guy, but Will really wants to have something serious with Claire.
The longer they hangout together, the more both Claire and Will realize they like each other as more than just a friend.
An accident happens at one of Will's football game that left him devastated. Claire decides to take things in her own hands and knock some sense into Will. But she's afraid that if she pushes too far, she may lose everything she has with Will.
This was such a good book! It was nice to go backk to the Hart University world that Abigail Strom has created, and I enjoyed the characters in this novel.
I loved the fact that Will was so into Claire. Most times, the guys are being aloof and distant and trying to make the girl work harder to get him, but it was kinda the opposite in this book. Will so wanted to date Claire but he respected the fact that she had a boyfriend and that it wasn't the right time then. And he is so shy almost! Then he also respected her plan to be single and to find her true self instead of rushing her into another relationship. Pretty much Will is the perfect guy out there.
And I respected Claire's decision to be single for a little bit. She didn't want to lose herself and her true identity into a guy and to revolve her life around him. Many women do that and think they have to be with a guy to be happy, and that is not true. So for Claire to decide to find herself is amazing.
I think this novel has a lot of great messages to the reader, and I'm so glad I finally read this. I think other readers will fall in love with this book.
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