My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this so much! Review to come closer to release date!
I received an eARC novel from the author and Edelweiss. This is my honest review.
Release Date: October 30, 2018
Evie has a normal life with normal expectations. She is the buffer between her friends at times, and she loves to take photos in her spare time - especially with her new camera that she just got.
So when she goes with her friend, Heidi, to the nightclub that has humans and Luxen - well more Luxen than humans - she's a bit intimidated and freaked out. She's never done anything that wild, and Evie is completely out of her element at Foretoken club.
After Heidi left her, Evie found herself being escourted by the bouncer, she's freaking out. And when she's sitting down next to THE gorgeous guy who stole her breath from her the second she met his eyes. But once Luc opened his mouth, Evie knew she was going to have problems with his cocky attitude.
From the moment Evie talked to Luc, her entire life changed. And pretty much not for the better, since her life was falling around her every day.
But now that Evie has been thrust in a world she had no clue about, she needs to find a way to survive this chaotic mess. And she needs to figure out what she is feeling when it comes to Luc and his arrogant/presumptuous demeanor.
O. M. G.!!!!!! I AM SO GLAD THAT WE 1. GOT LUC'S STORY AND 2. GET TO REVISIT THE LUX UNIVERSE!!!! Seriously, I loved this so much! Luc is an eerily similar version of Daemon, and reading his interactions with Evie made me blush just as much as the other series!!! And Luc has no qualms keeping away from Evie, unlike how Daemon was with Katy at the beginning, so we got all of the great stuff thrown at us at once and it was just AMAZING!!!
Evie is a tough bird, She's also stubborn and a bit naive at times, but for a girl who hasn't engrossed herself with the knowledge of the Luxen, I'm not too surprised. Though I have to say, if I was in this world and aliens came to my home, I would so be doing as much research as I could to know about these foreign people who are here to stay. Plus it doesn't hurt that they are so dang attractive!! :D
The big secret that was revealed I called a mile away, but that's okay because it was amazing to see how all of the characters responded to the news. And Evie's reaction was so real and something that any normal person would have done, and I loved that. It may have been a bit much, but it was real and emotional and raw. And I loved it.
I am so, so, so glad I got an early copy of this book, and I am already antsy to get my hands on the next book because I can only imagine what is going to happen drama wise and attraction wise between Luc and Evie!
Fans are going to LOVE this book and will be sitting on the edge of their seat the whole novel!
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