My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I couldn't belive it when I got a notification that a Tammy Falkner book was released and I DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW ABOUT IT!! So of course, while kicking myself, I ran to Amazon and one-clicked that sucker to get downloaded to my kindle ASAP.
Because I knew I would love it, just like all of her other books in the Reed Brothers series.
Have you read her books? No? WHY NOT!!!! These are not just New Adult novels. These have real life events that occur to people all over the country. That is why this is one of my all time favorite series and author.
At the end of this book, Lark talks about a very dark time she went through when she was 15. Instead of hiding from her past like she has been, she confronted what happened and that it wasn't something to be ashamed of, which she had been feeling for years. She finally knew that she was okay to feel how she was feeling and that there is a way to get help for what she went through. And she publicly announced it to the world. As a huge figure in the music industry, she can make a huge impact and difference in society, helping everyone who follows the media or even her music.
And this is why I love Falkner's stories. They have a real impact about very sticky situations and it's brought up in a way that can really make a difference in someone's life. I just want to make everyone read these books because of this importance, but also because I absolutely love the characters and how they crack me up.
It's slowly getting close to the end of the road for these characters, which will break my heart, but I own all of the books so I can most certainly come back and visit these pesky characters :)
Seriously, buy this book. Buy this series. I think it is one of the most influential series I've ever read - one that can really make a difference. All of the books have warmed my heart and I can only hope that there are people like the Reeds and the Zeroes in real life trying to make the same difference in people's lives.
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