My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was stunned when the location of this novel was revealed: Galesburg, IL! I had to go there quite often when I was growing up. Even more crazy? DJ is from Davenport, IA and I lived 30 minutes from there! So this book amazed me in just the location of the novel, without even getting to the great storyline and characters!
I adored this novel. It's quick to read, a funny situation, and a lot of self-reflecting for both characters. I love how spunky and down to earth Alex is. She is a serious student because of her tortured past and she's very mature for a freshman in college. Most college students are about partying and having sex every day, but Alex definitely wants a jump start on her career and is working very hard to get it.
And DJ. I love that him and his athletic friends don't fit the standard type of dumb jocks. When they were hanging out together, I loved the topics they were talking about and how not everything was about that "hot girl" this and that. He is the standard guy who everyone thinks he has it all, but really his life is a crumbling mess. But the way he responds to everything is very level-headed (well, except when it comes to Alex that is).
I loved seeing Alex and DJ interact with each other - when they weren't avoiding temptation and staying away from each other. I also loved seeing the friendships with other students at school and not having this book be just about their feelings for one another. College is definitely a place to create a new life, make new friends, and honestly get a feel for how their lives are going to be in the future. DJ and Alex are definitely going to have many adventures for their future!
This was my first book by Mickey Miller, but you can bet it won't be the last! I was pleasantly surprised by this novel and now I'm intrigued to buy more from him to see if they are all as great as this one. Though this one might be my favorite just because it reminded me of home and growing up myself, being that it was in locations I grew up!
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