My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Sophronia learned so much from her first year in Finishing School, and she was extremely excited to go back after her sister's Ball. But when her class takes their exams and she was ostracized because she has had the best 6 month marks out of all of the students at the school, Sophronia now lives in a world where everyone is ignoring her.
But that doesn't stop Sophronia from doing what she does best: spying and snooping around on the ship. In fact, she snoops even more so, especially on the teachers. Because there is something going on that the teachers are hiding from the students. And if there is anything Sophronia is good at, it's finding out information that people want to keep hidden.
Plus, to top it off, BOYS are on the ship! Evil geniuses in training are now going to travel with the finishing school to go to London for a special viewing. While this gives the girls a better target to work their etiquette on, Sophronia is finding that she had to fend off advances from Felix, that sly little devil. But a very high class little devil that all of the other girls are trying to get his attention. For some reason, though, his eyes are on Sophronia - or as he likes to call her, Ria.
While Sophronia gets a few tries of practice, she is more on a mission to find out what the new device is that was brought on the ship, why there is a fortune teller there, and who is trying to kidnap her best friend?
This series is killing me! I seriously was laughing so hard at the end of this book with the scene at the vampire hive and there was just chaos and madness and so much going on. Sophronia was able to follow it all and keep up with what was happening, but my god it was just too funny for me!
While I don't understand everything that is talked about in this novel because I didn't grow up in this time period, or even study this time period, I am still really, really enjoying this series!
The romance is a bit too much, I think. I would be more than happy to have no romance and just be in the mind of Sophronia because the way her brain works is amazing. I would never be able to thrive in a school like hers, though I would certainly try! I do have to say, the thing with Soap is just not working out for me. I really hope she doesn't end up with him. I don't know why, I just don't really want that to happen. And for some reason, I really love the idea of Sophronia and Felix together. I think that would be a great pair because they would always be challenging each other, and Sophronia definitely needs that in her life to keep her content and interested. Maybe that's why I don't think Soap is a good fit - he wouldn't challenge her as often or as well as Felix would.
Anyway, I'm definitely enjoying this and I love, love, love Bumblesnoot! I was so sad when he visited someone else for a little bit. But I think it's because I love animals, even if it's a mechanimal!
Diving into #3! I definitely recommend reading these! :)
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