My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Liv and her sister Mia have been traveling all around around the world between their two parents. Both parents love to explore, so every time they go to visit one parent after another, they are always going to a new country with new people and new experiences. This time is no different when they go to live with their mother for the school year in London.
But things may be this time around when their mom introduces them to her new boyfriend. Who they are moving in with...with his two children...who go to school with Liv and Mia... And it seems that their mom is really happy, so maybe she will be sticking to London for longer than a year. Which means that Liv and Mia better start getting along with their new brother and sister.
And the school is significantly better for Liv this time around. She's had her fair share of bullies and so far that hasn't happened at this school.
The one unique thing about Liv is her ability to have very vivid dreams. She's even been having unusual dreams lately, but when she sees the same boys from her dreams at her school, Liv is realizing that maybe they aren't normal dreams. Especially when she knows information that she got from her dreams that she didn't know when she was awake.
It turns out that the 4 boys - 4 of the most popular boys at her school - is doing dark magic to summon a demon. But they need another person to join their group, and after seeing her in their dreams, their eyes are now on her to be the 5th one.
But some things are not as they seem and Liv is a very inquisitive person who needs all of the answers to the mysteries of the world. However, some things might be better left unanswered because the answers aren't always what Liv wants to hear...
I've been wanting to read this series for a long time and when I saw all 3 books at my library at once, I snatched them up real quick to finally read it! I loved Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red series and was so excited to dive into this new world of hers!
And overall I really enjoyed it. There were a few things here and there that could have been better. Especially the romance between Liv and one of the 4 boys. That seemed a bit stilted and awkward and them BAM they are together. I mean, really? Give me some angst and passion before they are magically at each others hips, okay?
The scenes where she is dreaming is not quite clear at first which makes it clunky when I finally do realize that this is a dream scenes versus a awake scene. I think Gier wanted to keep the reader guessing at to what was happening, but after so many times I was just getting a little frustrated by the end of it.
The twists and turns were great and I loved learning more and more about the boys's secrets. And not all of them are revealed yet, so I'm very excited to learn even more in the next novel. Also, I really hope that the identity of Secrecy will be revealed by the end of the series, because I really want to know who this person of so much knowledge is and how (s)he figures everything out.
I think tons of readers will enjoy this book and I'm now going to dive right into the second novel!
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