My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received this free eARC novel from Edelweiss in exchange for my honest review.
After defeating classmates who are trying to ruin her life, Liv feels that she has narrowly escaped in one piece, along with everyone who she is close with. But she's not fooled into thinking that she has made it out of the danger zone, because said classmates are still running loose among the dreamland.
And Liv and company (specifically Henry and Grayson) are trying at their wits end to figure out a solution without actually killing someone in real life. Because, going to prison for life? Not really on their bucket plan.
Liv also has to worry about how her mother and Ernest's wedding is going to go, since they are just have a quick engagement and are getting married in a few months. Which is making some future family members (*cough* Broker and Florence for instance *cough*) none too pleasant to be around during the waking hours.
And with Anabel and Arthur being the evil doers that they are, things at school are becoming very tense. Especially since they both are learning how to advance on their dream powers and are now using Liv, Henry and Grayson as target practice...
But the three of them need to get very clever on how to defeat them, because Arthur has created a plan that will end Liv forever. And nobody wants that to happen.
Oh, and don't forget, Secrecy knows all. But Mia may know more than Secrecy does... She is, after all, the next Sherlock Holmes...
I seriously loved this series. Not as much as the Ruby Red series, but this was definitely right behind it! Liv has definitely grown as a character and isn't as naive as she once was during the first novel. And she is one smart little cookie!
Though I do have to say, Mia is smarter and I can only imagine what she has in store for her in her future! I wish that she had her own story - especially when the special someone finally makes her get out of her "I hate boys" stage and she falls hard. That would be an awesome book/series and I would be the first in line to read it! (I'm pretty sure Mia is my favorite character out of the bunch! :) )
The way that Kerstin Gier interweaves and mixed all of the information into a way that just made so much sense at the end was phenomenal. I actually kept up with some of the things that was going to happen before it actually happened and felt really proud of that!
And the reveal of Secrecy? Lets just say that I pretty much guessed it. It is a twist, but I'm happy with the result and happy with my guesses :)
Henry and Liv are such a great couple, even when they are having their moments. And boy are they really blondes! Some of the things they did and said to one another made me want to smack their heads against one another and I just wanted to yell "TELL THE TRUTH!! TRUST EACH OTHER!!" Of course, I couldn't do that, but the eventually did what I told them to do, so it worked out in the end.
I'm so glad that I got around to finally reading this series and I'm so glad that I got this book as an eARC! It was definitely worth the (very, very) long wait that I, as an American, had to wait for the translated version.
But I will be waiting for more translations to come my way by Kerstin Gier because she is definitely on my radar as an author to be reading for the future!
I think loads of readers would enjoy this series and I will definitely be recommending it to everyone who likes YA :)
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