My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received this free eARC novel from the author. This is my honest review.
I am so glad that I got a chance to read this box set and meet these wonderful characters! I love how they all intertwined and how we got to see past characters in the other novels. I wrote a review for all three books, so I will put those into this review as well! I definitely recommend these books to readers.
This is a heavy book. There was so much content in here, so many obstacles to overcome for both Eden and Killian before the happily ever after came.
I really admire Eden. She went through a crappy situation with her ex and ex-best friend. But she changed her future and went for her dreams, even if she had to do it on her own. And she's such a good person. She is always helping others, whether they want her to help or not.
I love Killian. Throughout the whole book, he's beating himself up about his past, but the moment he meets Eden, he starts to see a brighter future. He thinks he doesn't deserve her, but he can't stay away from her and finally gives in to the temptation of Eden's sunshine.
I can't believe how much stuff happened in this book! I flew through it so quickly, but now that I'm thinking about it, these two characters have gone through. Between Luke, Johnny, Joss, Adam, Conner... that's a lot to deal with in less than a year! But these two are meant to be with each other, and Eden is so stubborn that it ended very well.
Conor is such a torture soul. And Ava is a strong willed person who loves fiercely. I really enjoyed reading their story after seeing them interact with each other in book 1. I also love the backstory of how they met and how protective Killian and Conor are with her.
Seeing Conor get absorbed into his art was wonderful. Instead of being tormenting by his addiction, he was able to focus that on his muse and put it into wonderful creations.
I'm glad things got better with Ava's parents and Conor. And how shocked Ava was when they had a conversation!
Kiera has grabbed my attention from the second she got introduced to this series, so I'm really glad I got to read her story! She is so brave and definitely wise beyond her years. I can't imagine having to grow up in the environment she did and then to make the decision to go against her father had to be rough.
And Deacon. He's got a rough job. I wouldn't be okay not knowing what my other half was doing for work, but I guess it works for some couples. And I loved how he just couldn't stay away from Kiera - that shows you how drawn he was to her and how deeply he cared for her.
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