My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Lauren Kate - you redeemed this series. I really did not love the first three books in the series, but I was a dedicated reader and needed to know how it ended. I was also hoping that I would at least like this novel a smidgen more than the previous novels.
So thank you for not making me hate the whole series!
Luce has grown into a mature, thoughtful woman throughout the novels and the reader can finally see the results in this book. She is actively seeking out answers to her questions and she is taking the hits one after another very seriously. Luce was the biggest problem I had because she was always crying that things weren't like they should and she didn't have any answers to her questions, but she also wasn't trying very hard to find the answers herself. Rather, she wanted everyone else to answer them for her, which wasn't going to happen.
And Daniel finally realized that he needed to let go of his possessive grip he had on Luce and let her experience everything that she needed to experience in order for everything to go as planned. He was also shielding her from the information that was going to set her free, thinking that it would destroy her instead. But he finally realized that she was stronger than he took her for, making her the perfect version of Luce.
I loved the hidden truth about Luce and how important she really is. I definitely didn't see that coming, but then again I was probably missing important features with my annoyance of the "younger" Luce.
So, yes, in the end I am glad that I finished this series. The ending to this series was perfect and now I kinda wish there was more. But then again I don't want to go through another Luce like the one from the first three novels...
But I'm extremely excited to read Cam's novel in the newest release!!
So to all the readers who absolutely despised the beginning series, I understand your pain. But know that if you read this one it might just make up for the very rough, rocky, torturous beginning that Lauren Kate put us through to get to this pretty great ending!
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