Forget Me Not: Charity Anthology Supporting Alzheimers and Brain Health by
Tammy Falkner
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
I initially got this book because it's by Tammy Falkner and I love her stuff. Then I found out the money I spent on it goes for a great cause, which I was totally game for. In fact, this was available on NetGalley, but I didn't even try to request it because I wanted to help this charity.
So I'm going to break this down into each story with the star value that I would give them individually. I don't know if they average out to 4 stars total, but I really liked this compilation of books and have decided 4 stars is a great star value to give :)
Always April by Tammy Falkner
5 starsThis was a great novel. Falkner once again took something that happens in every day life and makes the reader see it in a different life. April needed to get forgiveness for her past sins with Matt, especially when she seems Kenneth in a whole new light. But Matt didn't have to give her forgiveness because she needed to give it to herself. I loved the tattoo that she got with her new story of her love-ever-after. Of course I loved it - Tammy Falkner wrote it :)
Rattled by Jane Charles
4.5 starsThis story was about foster care - Kelsey and Alex both went through the system and have different viewpoints on a subject matter that Kelsey decided to do when they were in college. Now, years later, Kelsey wants a tattoo of it and is stuck with Alex to create what she needs to help her through the process. And Alex needs to get over his personal issues in order to help Kelsey and understand where she is coming from in her choices. Really enjoyed this and how each character realized their mistakes but also saw the light from each other's background.
Inked by Andris Bean
2 starsHonor is trying to get a spot at Reed's Tattoo Shop, but when her client walks in, she wants nothing to do with Police Officer Brent who arrested her
wrongly. But she needs to figure out exactly how the night went for both parties to understand the mistake, and also find a creative way to make Brent's tattoo. Not as good as the other stories - short - didn't really think the tattoo she created was that creative or unique. Abrupt ending.
Burned by L.J. Charles
4 starsThis was a unique story that I think could have great potential to continue on. Fred/Andrew walks in and needs a tattoo of his late wife's necklace. He was an undercover agent and needed to keep his story on the down low since people were still looking for him from past missions. Sadie, the tattoo artist, was one of the people Fred/Andrew helped on a mission and knew more of his story than he realized. Very intriguing - really enjoyed it.
Coldwater Blues by Lexi Eddings
2 starsThis was very odd. Michael is homeless, gets dragged out of a line he thinks is for a homeless shelter only to realize it's to get a tattoo at Reed's Tattoo Shop. Jadis is his tattoo artist and she is very stilted, tense, and "helps" Michael but really I think it was just a weird situation from start to finish. This was short, no romance, not really a story. I did like the story about Michael's grandmother, but that was about it.
Lakewood Confidential by Caren Crane
3 starsSam (or better known as Lakewood) wants a tattoo and wants Tondra to do it because she can keep a secret. Because the hip-hop artist has a story to tell about his past that is not know to the public eye and would ruin his image to his fans. And by the end of the story, Tondra realizes that the key to happiness doesn't mean she has to give up everything. Cute novel. If I read more of the series it might make more sense, but it was enough for a short story.
The Knot by Jerrica Knight Catania
3 starsMadison wanted a tattoo of a necklace her mother gave her that was stolen in foster care. She meets Ethan and Evie, rich kids from a wealthy family and assumes the worst about them. There was an instant connection between the two characters - Madison and Ethan - and I loved Madison sticking to herself and not letting anyone take care of her. I also was excited to read this because the author's name is Jerrica - the only author with a version of my name who is very popular. While this was just a 3 star, I won't let that deter me from reading more of her novels!
Hold Me Tight by Ava Stone
4 starsMolly and Seth bump into each other in New York, even though they grew up with each other in Coralville, IA. Both are in college pursuing their dreams, but Molly needs to get a tattoo that will remind her of her brother, who just died in the war. Seth decides to get a tattoo as well, but really he wants a second chance with Molly, no matter what the obstacles may bring. This was a really cute story that had some meat into the short story and I think it could continue into a series :)
Skin Deep by Marquita Valentine
5 starsMaddox is working at Reed's Tattoo Shop, but gets wrangled into the contest of other aspiring tattoo artists and needs to do a tattoo for a client. What he doesn't realize was that Cadence needed him to do the tattoo, and to bring him back home where their familes are in Scotland. But Maddox is dealing with guilt over an accident and needs to face his demons. Cadence is by far my favorite character. She has spunk and class and she is going after what she wants. And I loved the ending of this novel. I may have to see if more is written about these characters :)
The Test of Time by Diane Franks
5 starsAnnMarie comes into the tattoo shop and talks about her life with her husband, Ken, who know has Alzheimer's Disease. Reading about their life together is so inspiring knowing that people will go to the ends of the earth for the one they love. And Ken did that for AnnMarie. She when he is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, AnnMarie decides she needs to figure out a way to help Ken find his way back to her. This was the sweetest story and I loved how the tattoo worked for AnnMarie. I also love Friday in this story - it's so Friday!
This was a great compilation of stories that were uplifting and talk about diseases that people go through everyday. So glad I bought it to help the cause and look forward to more by Tammy Falkner :)
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